🎙️✨ We have the fifth challenge for you Challenge Junkies! BRING IT ON!
This week Tracey and Danielle challenge you to follow-up on a previous networking lead or interview. Don't let those leads dry up. Use this week to check in and see what's up.
Links to Episodes
Here are some links to episodes where we discuss following up:
Advice From a Recruiter: The Golden Rule
Joined by Another Recruiter: What the Eff Have I Gotten Myself Into?!
Danielle and Tracey are friends who also happen to have the same career - Talent Acquisition. They are both Recruiters with a passion for people. This podcast aims to help listeners to better understand the workforce, land jobs, and get an inside look at the behind the scenes of Recuiting. Most importantly, Tracey and Danielle are your friends in navigating this crazy thing called life.
Facebook: Two Recruiters: Zero Filter
Instagram: tworecruiterszerofilter
LinkedIn: two-recruiters-zero-filter
🎼 Music Credit: Andy Brey - Andybrey.com