3:00: The Beginning: What was in the water at Crossman Communities that birthed so many successful real estate careers?
4:00: Finding a niche in the business that led to explosive growth early with EasyStreet Realty.
5:30: Steve dives into how the company began to scale and grow through their unique business model by providing “traffic” for their agents similar to how a builder provides opportunities for their sales people.
7:00: Steve shares how the company evolved from a niche broker to a National Real Estate Powerhouse.
9:00: Steve shares how the company has coached and trained their agents to find a unique sales prop to provide more value to their clients.
10:30: The Evolution of Lead Generation in Real Estate: Learn how Highgarden has stayed way ahead of the competition by learning how to generate high volumes of leads for their agents.
14:00: Overcoming the challenges of Growth: Having the right leadership in each area of the business has been key to overcoming challenges and growing.
17:30: Leveraging Technology to Fuel Growth: Steve shares insights how their team is growing and coming together more than ever through the COVID-19 challenge.
20:30: The Key to Growth: Steve elaborates on the keys to surrounding yourself with the best people.
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------------------------- Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/RealStoriesOfSuccess Connect with Austin: austinl@fairwaymc.com / 317.797.3619 Connect with Ryan: ryan@thehrdteam.com / 317.509.7431