Today, I welcome Dr. Manisha Rayavarapu. She is a Family Medicine physician, author, warrior, and lupus advocate, among many other things.
She joins me today to talk about her journey through residency, her diagnosis and healing through lupus, and her newly released book - Butterflies, Boards, and Blessings.
You can connect with Dr. Rayavarapu via her website:
on Instagram & Facebook @manisharayavarapu
and on Clubhouse @mrayavarapu
You can purchase your copy of Butterflies, Boards, and Blessings on Amazon, Google, Apple, and Barnes and Noble.
All content, including text, graphics, images, audio, and other information heard on this podcast or available on our site and social media platforms are for general informational purposes only. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment in either yourself or others. Consult your personal medical healthcare provider for any medical issues that you may be having.
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