In the years that I have worked in health care, I have seen the term “patient first” plastered on so many company websites. More often than not, though, that promise does not hold up when you look under the hood. They say patient first. But what they really mean is: We thought about a mass we call patients. The thing they are missing out on, however, is the powerful results that come from understanding patients as people - whole people. The guest for today’s podcast, Dr. Jennifer Mulle, is the real deal when it comes to patient first. She is a groundbreaking researcher for the rare 3q29 microdeletion and its implications for a number of conditions. But, more importantly, she is someone who has designed her innovative research around intimate understanding of her patients as people with families, with dreams, and with deep questions. I won’t spoil it for you, but her story, like mine, is personal, and her intellect is only outmatched by her heart for serving people. Please subscribe and keep listening to Rare Voices! Listen now: More About Dr. Jennifer Mulle Dr. Mulle Twitter: The Emory 3q29 Project: Emory Profile: Dr. Jennifer Mulle Bio Dr. Mulle is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Human Genetics and Epidemiology at Emory University. As PI for The Emory 3q29 Project, she leads an interdisciplinary team to understand the phenotypic spectrum, molecular mechanism, and natural history of 3q29 deletion and 3q29 duplication syndromes. Music Credits: Westpoint Instrumental by Sun Shapes: