The boys are back after a brief hiatus, and we’re breaking news right away as Ethan returns to the Broadway stage 12 years after his Tony winning performance in Wicked [and by that I mean Wicked Pissah, the Boston based reenactment of l the Stephen Schwartz musical] (0:06:09). We get together to both complain about and reason with the NFL seasonal award results (0:13:48) as well as submit our 2 week old super bowl predictions for your entertainment (0:27:38). Should you kick the field goal, should you go for it, should you stop listening to this podcast altogether? (0:42:14). We get some DeflateGate venting off our chest 7 years later (0:48:30) and dive into the Olympic figure skating doping scandal (0:54:53). We dive all the way into our review of Pokemon: Legends of Arceus (1:12:28) which leads to an epic Ethan rant blowing up at Jameses controversial opinions (1:49:50). Our nightcap for the evening is a fine glass of Patriots propaganda with a chaser of Mac Jones love (2:01:10).