S3 E4 - Jessica Kafle- Sari, Not Sorry!
Jessica is the host of the podcast "Relationship Roundtable" and she is speaking up and speaking out about a lot of things not talked about in Nepali Culture and Nepali families such as arranged marriages, child abuse, mental illness and suicide. Jessica manages to learn and grow and not be defined by the abuses that have happened to her, she is here to share how we all can learn and grow from our traumas and ends with some incredibletromedy!
Reach out to Nancy Norton:https://www.nancynorton.tv/
Check out Jessica Kafle's Podcast:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfBEAIgJguE
Need support with Suicidal intervention?https://988lifeline.org/
Post-Traumatic Growth:
Therapeutic Humor: Association of Applied and Therapeutic Humor