Original Recording Date: 2024DEC09.
Audio editing by Stephanie Bosch.
Views and opinions of the participants are their own, unless otherwise stated.
- Chris' background.
- F.A.I.D. - Fugitive Apprehension Investigations Detail
- Turning it around - tactics to cultural issues.
- Big change in risk management and learning from others.
- Trap-door Tactics
- The new measures of success.
- Ego-Driven Tactics.
- Sharing these lessons.
- Author of Why Here, Why Now?: Assessing Risk Without All The Clutter.
Important Links:
- Bishop One Training: https://www.bishoponetraining.com/.
- Why Here, Why Now?: Assessing Risk Without All The Clutter:
- Amazon USA: https://www.amazon.com/Why-Here-Now-Assessing-Without-ebook/dp/B0CVS9PTG6.
- Amazon Canada: https://www.amazon.ca/Why-Here-Now-Assessing-Without/dp/B0CWB26SJ8
- Ego driven tactics article by Chris Aboussafy: https://www.bishoponetraining.com/ego-driven-tactics-how-to-swing-the-ego-hammer/
Profiles and Social Media:
- Find Chris on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-aboussafy-84a29785.
- Find Bishop One Training on Instagram: http://instagram.com/bishoponetraining.