Episode Notes In the season finale, I finally figured it out. From forming a second business prematurely, to getting laid off a third time, to grieving some sh*t my body needed to release, I was ready to go full throttle with storytelling as a living. The gag is I had been doing it in my own way for so long. I was just ready to own it more confidently and take it to new heights. Knowing people in real life doing the same thing, I invited friend and collaborator, Darnell Lamont Walker, to bare his soul on how writing became his life’s work. He used to curate writer’s rooms in his former Bronx apartment, encouraging people to get their stories out by any means necessary. Well his stories have been making its rounds in shows like Blue’s Clues, Karma’s World, and more. We delight in our journeys and the work never being done.
Maybe we’re masochists or maybe “I’m a believer in the power of knowledge and the ferocity of beauty, so from my point of view, your life is already artful—waiting, just waiting, for you to make it art.” -Toni Morrison