On Season #5, Episode #2 or Tedi Talks, Tedi welcomes Amy Bragagnini a Clinical Oncology Dietitian at Trinity Health Lacks Cancer Center, located in Grand Rapids, MI. Tedi and Amy talk about food as we prepare for the upcoming holiday season. Tedi provides Amy with some interesting stats about the consumption of eggnog, ham, pumpkin pie and turkey during the holidays . Tedi and Amy discuss how we can get past 'food fear' and eat what we want by setting our own expectations and simply enjoy what we like (without guilt). Our favorite dietician and healthy eater does not disappoint during this fascinating conversation. You can connect with Amy at:
Website: https://www.mercyhealth.com/location/trinity-health-richard-j-lacks-cancer-center
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TrinityHealthMI
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrinityHealthMI
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amy-bragagnini-ms-rd-cso-b3795338/-ms-rd-cso-b3795338
Email: Amy.Bragagnini@trinity-health.org
Phone: (616) 685-5237
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
American Diabetes Association
American Heart Association
American Cancer Association
Portion Plate w/Lid (Amazon.com)
The opinions and statements made on the Tedi Talks Podcast are/or do not necessarily reflect those of the Tedi Talks Podcast or Tedi Parsons. To learn more, please visit: https://tediparsons.com/tedi-talks
The music used for this podcast was provided by: afterparty-review-by-sascha-ende-from-filmmusic-io. https://filmmusic.io/standard-license. License (CC BY 4.0):