A New Era for EFMP: What’s Changing for Military Families
Michelle Norman, the Executive Director and Founder of Partners in PROMISE, a non-profit organization focused on educating, advising and advocating for exceptional military families and their education, discusses the changes to EFMP. She discusses what recently changed and what's coming down the pipeline, focusing on the elimination of EFMP categories and change in respite care.
Show Links:
Dissolution of Navy EFMP Program dissolution-of-navy-efmp-program.pdf
EFM Respite Care Changes EFMP Respite Care Changes
Partners in Promise Partners in PROMISE Podcasts
Show Takeaways:
The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a program that supports military families with special needs members with their medical and educational needs throughout a service member’s career.
Partners in PROMISE is a 501(c)(3) dedicated to protecting the rights of military children in special education and disability communities.
DOD mandated changes to EFMP will likely impact all EFMP families. Changes include the dissolution of categories and standardizing eligibility for respite care. The dissolution of categories will allow for a more holistic and flexible approach to assignments for service members enrolled in EFMP.
Make sure you’re aware of the changes and keep your EFMP enrollment forms up to date.
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