Happy Easter, all!
Christ has risen! In Christ, we have His victory! But sometimes we don't live like it. This is where mind renewal comes in. Renewing your mind is not just a good thing to do. Don’t neglect mind renewal. It affects your whole life.
So why is it so hard to renew our mind? We have the Holy Spirit. We have God’s word. We have the mind of Christ.
Mindset woes are often provoked by life's "non-fun" circumstances. Life’s mishaps are never convenient. If our mindset is dependent upon a convenient, perfect, comfortable life, we are in trouble. Life in a fallen world is not perfect. But our Savior is, and His mind is. We were never meant to live life apart from our Savior.
Don’t let unbelief keep you from the mind renewal and transformation that belong to you in Christ Jesus!
Listen to today's episode and learn what is needed in the foundation of our mindsets to help us renew our minds daily.