Welcome to 'There's Something About Shoresy' presented by 'Regular Dudes Watch Stuff'. We're just some regular dudes who like to watch stuff, and then talk about it.
The Soupdeucer and Magnum Mills are here to talk about the first three episodes of 'Shoresy' Season Four. This is the beginning of "Part 2" for the show; just what does that look like?
Please note this episode WILL contain SPOILERS for all aired episodes of 'Shoresy' and possibly 'Letterkenny'.
JUMP AROUND: 0:00 - Welcome to 'There's Something About Shoresy' 3:03 - Overall Thoughts on Season 4 at the halfway point 10:36 - "Summer In Sudvegas" (Season 4 Episode 1) 28:29 - "Blueberry Buddies" (Season 4 Episode 2) 44:52 - "The Itch" (Season 1 Episode 3) 1:06:45 - Predictions, Hopes and Expectations 1:14:18 - Thanks for checking out 'There's Something About Shoresy'
Thanks for checking out this episode of 'There's Something About Shoresy' presented by 'Regular Dudes Watch Stuff'.
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