
  • DEATH: How will technology change the way we die?
    Oct 27 2022
    As our lives increasingly exist in digital spaces, how does death fit into our "endless scroll" mentality? In this show, we look at how tech is factoring death into algorithms, how COVID is reviving some older, more intimate death rituals, and we attend a funeral that ends with a boom.
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    30 min
  • ENTERTAINMENT: How will entertainment change us?
    Oct 27 2022
    Have you ever been "transported" by a good book? A movie? What about an interactive virtual world? With entertainment as immersive as ever, we look at how imagined spaces can impact our real world selves.
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    32 min
  • CLIMATE: Can the kids actually win in their battle against the climate apocalypse?
    Oct 27 2022
    Talking about climate change can be…a bummer. So Futurology ditches the doom-and-gloom headlines to join the teenagers behind the climate activist group Youth Versus Apocalypse. They’re organized, pissed, and anything but resigned in their fight against climate change. But can they actually win?
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    34 min
  • STUFF: What the hell are we gonna do with all this stuff?
    Oct 27 2022
    Why do we accumulate and cling so tightly to stuff - everything from the physical to the digital? Why are we saving old baseball gloves and thousands of photos on our phone we rarely look at? We take a trip to the proverbial basement to find out what reckoning with our past looks like, and speak with an expert who tells us how our DNA might hold the key to a future of limitless storage.
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    38 min
  • HIGHER EDUCATION: Is college going obsolete?
    Jun 2 2022

    No American institution is more overdue for disruption than costly, elitist higher education as we know it. Can we reboot college without losing all the things we love about it?

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    33 min
  • CITIES: Are cities headed toward utopia, or dystopia?
    Jun 2 2022

    Just how intelligent are “smart” cities, really? We speak to some of the biggest brains in urban planning about the astonishing promise — and terrifying pitfalls — of the future of urban life all over the planet.

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    33 min
  • SPACE: Can we avoid turning space into a battlefield?
    Jun 2 2022

    Futurology travels to the annual Space Symposium, explores the cutting edge of space warfare, and wonders: How can we preserve the wonder of space as it becomes the next battlefield?

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    28 min
  • SEX: Will technology ruin sex and intimacy — or make it even better?
    Jun 2 2022

    Technology has invaded our sex lives—but there’s no reason this can’t be hot. In this mostly-safe-for-work episode, meet the erotic pioneers of "sextech."

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    31 min