A conversation about the sacral chakra and flowing with what is.
Episode Invitation:
Sit in a comfortable position for a few minutes and ponder the following questions:
"what do I want and how do I sabotage myself"
Episode Mentions:
Byron Katie - The Work - www.thework.com
Teal Swan - www.youtube.com/user/TheSpiritualCatalyst
Wayne Dyer - www.drwaynedyer.com
Abraham Hicks - www.abraham-hicks.com
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Visit www.SoulHealingEssentials.com for more info about services and events and to grab your FREE chakra journal.
Natalie can be found at http://www.FullCircleChiropractic.com
Email: fullcirclechiropractic@gmail.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/fullcirclechiropractic/
Facebook: FullCircleChiropractic
Ali can be found at www.soulhealingessentials.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKvKffdkUT9DbG5kf_70x_w
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Facebook: Soul Healing Essentials
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Email SHETalks@soulhealingessentials.com for episode ideas, questions and comments.