There's something strange in the neighborhood... In this episode Na and Tre' talk about the enigma of Santa Fe including its
- Ghostly vibes
- Half-buried cars in the arroyos
- Energy vortexes
- Crystals and lunar rocks
- Walls, coyote fences, and labyrinths
- Zozobra legend
- Healing dirt of El Santuario de Chimayo
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- ✅ Digital Nomad Checklist
- The Enigma of Santa Fe (Article)
- The Burning of Zozobra
- The legend of El Santuario de Chimayo
- More about the shrine of El Santuario de Cimayo
- Intro music by Caffeine_Creek_Band from Pixabay
- Story score by BluBonRelaXon from Pixabay
- Written and produced by Tre' Grisby and Naomi Tepper
- Mixed and edited by Naomi Tepper
This podcast is a production of
Thanks for listening!