
  • Alchemy of Healing Part Two
    May 15 2024

    Glyn, Sarah and their guest Stuart Wright pick up where they left off on their Alchemical journey last week and take a look at the Philosophy of Alchemy, turning base metals into gold and how to make your own Ormes Water, from sea water, alongside introducing their newly developed structured, healing, energised, loving, living SHELL Water.They explore the significance of the spine, at the core of the human body and symbolically very much like the mitre symbol of the pharmaceutical industry. Discussions include the removal of the Nephalim, found wrapped around the human spine and that operates as a control mechanism, for human behaviour.One thing's for sure, everything is interconnected.Tempero Mandibular research is explored and how many practitioners have been struck off for healing people using this modality and how Neuromuscular Dentistries have positively impacted on Parkinson's and Dementia.There's certainly no such thing as a quick fix for health. They advise that you get support when considering detoxing the body, as this is best done in a slow and controlled manner.Removal of amalgam fillings releases Mercury into the body, unless done with extreme care. Stuart explains a method that he used, which helped reduced the burden on the body.The importance of the feet in influencing the human jaw, including healing MS with a simple appliance in the mouth.The long term impact of vaccinations, where the residual contents from childhood injections and illnesses, end up lodging in the spine to re-visit us in adult life.Getting the balance back into the human body is so important and we are in a position, at Future Hub, to look at this scientifically through the use of a Teslar Scanner.Stuart explains his experience of the importance of dealing with flat feet and grounding ourselves whilst wearing shoes, such as www.vivobarefoot.com and how walking on concrete impacts our posture. Getting your footwear right for the conditions in which you perambulate and making the best use possible of the healing to be found in the natural world, from ozone and negative ions from walking on the beach, to hugging our pets and finding ways to Maximise our genetic blueprint.Look online at Neil Hallinan from the Postural Restoration Institute: www.pritrainer.comShoes can be responsible for damaging our feet and historically, how can we justify practices such as foot binding in Asia and wearing stilettoes in the West?They ask what the impact will be on young people who have taken rather too readily, to vaping!Becoming an Alchemist was about Stuart seeking out addictions that have proved to be good for him.Listen in and see what you can do to help yourself to navigate this complex health, wellness and alchemical landscape.

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    55 min
  • Alchemy of Healing
    May 8 2024

    In this week's podcast Glyn & Sarah explore the health aspects of Alchemy with their friend and colleague Stuart Wright, who's healing journey has led him to truly take personal control of his health, after the NHS decided that he'd probably be permanently disabled and on pain killers for the rest of his life. His knowledge and understanding of alchemy goes much deeper than this, so look out for part 2 in the coming weeks, as you'll want to listen to every moment! If anyone wishes to make contact with Stuart, please drop a line in the comments and we'll pass your details on. Links:




    John Bergman https://m.youtube.com/@johnbchiro
    Sethikus Boza https://m.youtube.com/@drakkvonboza

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    1 h et 4 min
  • Armageddon v Apocalypse
    May 4 2024

    Glyn and Sarah ask WTF is actually going on in these crazy days of 2024, in this ultimately solutions focused podcast. Are we living out a Chinese curse, during these 'Interesting times'? What is the true defenition of Armagheddon and Apocalypse...the end game or a spiritual uplifting? The WEF's Great Reset written by Klaus Schwab is possibly one of the most frightening visions and he's certainly the epitome of a classic Bond Villain! NHS Website definitions of 'a certain thing'...that might just have been a very healthy seasonal detox. Is it all Doom and Gloom these days and what is the Doomsday book? What can we do Mindfully, Physically and Spiritually? The damage that's been done by the wrong frequencies being used on mankind.... Man's selfish destruction of the Natural World and certainly Man's Inhumanity to Man. There is dissent amongst the people, but is it enough to change the impending start of WW3, or has it actually already started? What is the truth of Hollywood and is it a prediction device or are they in on the plan? Are we the laughing stock in this nasty game that is orchestrating our downfall? What is the true state of the Royal Family? Has religion been entirely manufactured as a control mechanism? How have we historically let the animals suffer so much and how on earth is it ongoing? Is 5G a bio-weapon? It's certainly destroyed many trees in cities, since they've been cut down to allow the signal to get to us, so they've taken a hit for us. Surely that's too high a price to pay for being able to be continually connected to the digital interface? Is it necessary to reset our status and try to understand what it is to be Sovereign, or should we just get on with living life regardless? Who sewed the seeds of division that split many families, during the recent pandemic and then left people to suffer alone? Do we all need to be stockpiling and making sure that we have food security for our families and fresh water sources available? Why are we surprised when plagues and sickness proliferate, when we are not actually in control of our own environments and so very acceptant of dodgy protocols? So, do we let ourselves be dragged into the potential destruction of our home, or do we take back our power and secure the future for the next generations? The time is now....

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    54 min
  • Random Reality
    Apr 25 2024

    Glyn & Sarah take a look at the world on the first day of Spring 2024, asking more questions than they give answers...some might call it chewing the fat, or taking an opportunity to explore thoughts and ideas that can often get overlooked. What is the truth and reality of Time and the changing calendars that bring us a Leap Year? How deeply are we effected by the changing of the clocks, which we all seem to comply with, even though it's unkind and makes us all feel discombobulated? Easter came particularly early this year, since it seems to be a moveable feast under the control of the church, largely confusing to many. And did we all know that the New Year used to start on 21st March, but was shifted to the 1st January when they re-designed the calendar? Do mothers prefer flowers or worms? And is cutting flowers actually wrong, when you consider how they multiply when left in the soil to flower and go over naturally? What is the truth about this plane on which we live? Is everything a lie? How fast are we spinning on this planet, and are we even spinning at all? From Chem trails and who made them, to the rain that has been pouring down on the entire UK for months! To their desire to simplify things and request the return of Common Sense and to reconnect us with the gut instincts that serve us well. They express their frustration at the arch manipulation, through the re-writing of history and the doctoring of legitimate historical references and records in order to convince people that we're wrong in our theories about how we have been wronged ourselves! Being measured makes it hard to live freely and can prevent us from living a natural life, since nature will look after you, if you let it. We can all have and indeed all need melatonin and to reset our circadian rhythm and avoid LED lighting, if we want to get better sleep. The joys of sleeping when it gets dark and waking with the arrival of the Sun in the morning, is one of their favourite topics. Touching on the HELM initiative, as a way of taking back control of our lives, which covers Health, Education, Law & Money. Where did Turbo Cancer come from and why do people not question its arrival? Are people afraid to challenge these things? Is this just suppression or acceptance? Sharing time, knowledge, energy, money. You cannot take it with you, so why not share it in this life? What is real? What is reality...if something doesn't appear to be right, maybe it just isn't!!

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    42 min
  • Mind, Body & Soul
    Apr 17 2024

    Glyn & Sarah start yet another conversation to view the lighter side of life, whilst exploring the Wellness Wheel focused on the central hub, which holds the Mind, Body & Soul, through a very candid conversation which serves as a useful reminder that your vibration can raise you up and ultimately connect your mind and soul with your body in a much more conscious and connected way, if you let them.The conversation acknowledges that everyone, globally, has been overloaded these past four years and it's time we all took stock of how we've fared.The interconnectedness of the mind & soul and the gut and brain, through the gut/brain Axis needs exploring to re-assess traditional thought about the brain and its relationship with the body. They explore the need to listen to our gut instincts in order to counter the effects of the current cognitive dissonance that seems to have pervaded society.Subjects such as Deja Vue, Transmigration of the Soul, Meditation and the need to clear the mind in order to leave the body behind, lead to the possibility of connecting more effectively with the Soul and into exploring the Soul's capacity to speak through us, without necessarily consciously engaging the mind.The conversation leads into powers imbued through the Alchemy of positive intent and the capacity for the conscious and subconscious mind to rule the roost, leading us to wonder whether Common Sense has recently taken a vacation!
    They ask a range of questions, in the hope that the audience will share their opinion and start yet another conversation on a range of subjects such as: Where is the seat of the Soul?Is the slate wiped clean at the point of death and the Soul's departure?Has common sense taken a vacation?Join them on this journey and help them to start yet another conversation, inspired by what matters to you.

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    42 min
  • Lawful Remedies
    Apr 10 2024

    Glyn & Sarah's conversation with Damian, explores Remedies to lawful and unlawful situations, that are commonly experienced. The focus is on what can be simply and practically done, rather than just focusing on the problem.To follow the great work that Damian and Gavin have done so far and continue to do, check them out at: www.sovereignempowerment.net

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    42 min
  • The Law
    Apr 3 2024

    Glyn & Sarah are joined by Paul to explore the parameters of Law, in its broadest sense, giving the listener an overview of the areas that impact them the most in the current landscape.

    As always we welcome your comments, questions & feedback.

    Reach out at info@futurehub.world

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    34 min
  • Episode 3 Wellness Wheel - Mind, Body and Soul
    Mar 27 2024

    In this SaviOurSelf Podcast Glyn & Sarah broadly explore every aspect of our lives, getting these all into perspective and in balance whilst identifying just how connected every aspect truly is. Starting with Mind, Body and Soul, firmly identifying how unique each of us is, then expanding that out to the elements that govern our immediate experience of our environment; then the wider perspective that is represented by aspects of the constructs of society. We are girded around by all of this, which creates both a complex and emotive landscape that needs navigating either alone, or more hopefully with the support of the people in our lives. This episode sets the scene for many podcasts to come in the weeks and months ahead and they hope that you will feel compelled to join them on that journey!


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    42 min