Did I tell you about the time I failed on a Quiz Show? Or even walked around the Houses of Parliament wearing a board saying 'Are you getting enough?' No? Well it's true. And when I agreed to these things I never over thought them-I just agreed with it on a whim and then thought about it afterwards. What a glorious way to live! So many times in life we over think, over analyse, and end up going in one big vicious circle like a dog chasing it's own tail. Only to find that after all of the opinion seeking and analysing, we don't actually do whatever it was we were stressing about in the first place. This has been me plenty of times let me tell you! And yet I also have these fantastic nuggets where for whatever reason, maybe because I had my brave pants on that day, I just decided to say 'Yes' and then think about it afterwards and thank goodness I did. Because I have never ever regretted it.
If you listen and you're feeling brave this week, give me a shout out on your Instagram story-go on I dare you. If you're not feeling so brave this week, a rate or review or even a subscribe or download will do it. Stay Blessed x
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