
  • Why It’s All About Execution and Belief | Scott MacGregor
    Jan 4 2021

    Scott MacGregor is the founder & CEO of SomethingNew LLC, one of the fastest-growing talent strategy companies in the country. SomethingNew is a record five-time recipient of the American Business Award for Innovation and winner of Best of Staffing. Scott’s belief that good companies do good things led him to establish SomethingGood™, which is the social mission component of SomethingNew. His first two books, Standing O!, Standing O! Encore and now Standing O! Salute are part of that mission as all of the proceeds go to charity.

    Prior to starting Something New Scott was the youngest National Account Manager in the history of Fortune 500 Company, Pitney Bowes, and at age 29 joined a startup as Chief Revenue Officer where he served for almost 17 years. Cool things to know about Scott: 

    • He grew up poor in an affluent town
    • Scott sat on his own business plan for 10 years before making the leap into entrepreneurship. He credits his wife for giving him the support he needed to make the decision
    • The idea for Something New came from Scott’s belief that recruiting was broken on both sides
    • And unlike many entrepreneurs Scott is only married to his wife and nothing else

    Scott’s the real deal. He’s articulate, generous, a welcome addition to the Screw the Naysayers family of guests. Our discussion is full of lessons for people in leadership positions and especially current and wannabe entrepreneurs.  

    Scott can be reached at:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/macgregorscott/

    Website: https://trysomethingnewnow.com/ 

    Please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to hear your thoughts, comments, and stories, or just make a connection.

    Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/stnwithtimalison/  

    Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/screwthenaysayers/  

    LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-alison/  

    Screw The Naysayers- www.screwthenaysayers.com 

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    1 h
  • How To Use Storytelling To Build Your Brand | Marsha Shandur - Part 2
    Dec 14 2020

    Marsha Shandur is the curator, organizer, and host of True Stories Told Live Toronto.


    True Stories (Told Live) Toronto is a simple idea. A bunch of people having a drink in a back room in West Toronto — or, during the pandemic, their own rooms, but online — listening to other people telling true stories.


    It’s not comedy, though it’s allowed to be funny. It’s not educational, but you might learn something. It’s not musical, but, each show, we include a story-telling musician.


    There’s no theme each month. The only rules are that the story must be:


    • true
    • about the guest
    • told without notes
    • 10 minutes long


    Marsha also coaches people on storytelling for a living and shows people who think that they hate networking (and are bad at it), how to really enjoy it.  


    You can reach Marsha at: 


    Website: http://www.YesYesMarsha.com/screw

    Please do not hesitate to reach out the host of Screw the Naysayers. Tim Alison would love to hear your thoughts, comments, and stories, or just make a connection. Email-  tim@screwthenaysayers.com Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/stnwithtimalison/ Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/screwthenaysayers/ LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-alison/

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    29 min
  • How To Use Storytelling To Create Emotional Connection | Marsha Shandur - Part 1
    Dec 14 2020

    Marsha Shandur is the curator, organizer, and host of True Stories Told Live Toronto.


    True Stories (Told Live) Toronto is a simple idea. A bunch of people having a drink in a back room in West Toronto — or, during the pandemic, their own rooms, but online — listening to other people telling true stories.


    It’s not comedy, though it’s allowed to be funny. It’s not educational, but you might learn something. It’s not musical, but, each show, we include a story-telling musician.


    There’s no theme each month. The only rules are that the story must be:


    • true
    • about the guest
    • told without notes
    • 10 minutes long


    Marsha also coaches people on storytelling for a living and shows people who think that they hate networking (and are bad at it), how to really enjoy it.  


    You can reach Marsha at: 


    Website: http://www.YesYesMarsha.com/screw

    Please do not hesitate to reach out the host of Screw the Naysayers. Tim Alison would love to hear your thoughts, comments, and stories, or just make a connection. Email-  tim@screwthenaysayers.com Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/stnwithtimalison/ Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/screwthenaysayers/ LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-alison/ 

    Voir plus Voir moins
    27 min
  • How To Fall In Love With The Process Of Being Great | Jake Kelfer - Part 2
    Dec 8 2020

    Jake Kelfer’s professional journey out of college took a right turn when the job he had lined up disappeared. Instead of being a NBA player’s agent raking in the bucks, Jake found himself working for the L.A. Lakers where he was influenced by the likes of Kobe Bryant and for us older NBA fans, the great Jerry West. Jake left the Lakers after Kobe’s retirement and has gone on to become a 2x bestselling author, global speaker, and founder of Pro Basketball Combine which has helped 70+ NBA draft prospects sign their first contract. Jake is also a coach to entrepreneurs and freedom seekers. 

    In part two of my feature interview Jake tells us that:


    • we have to stop giving importance to things outside of our control
    • to grow we need to start from a place of gratitude
    • there has never been a better time to start your own business
    • starting over is hard, but so is staying broken and depressed
    • It’s the hard challenges we face make us who we are
    • The person you are is good enough to connect with the people you want 


    And tell us that Kobe Bryant taught him the importance of falling in love with the process of being great.


    Jake can be reached at:

    Instagram @jakekelfer 

    Website: https://www.jakekelfer.com/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    28 min
  • What Working With The L.A. Lakers Taught Me About Success | Jake Kelfer - Part 1
    Dec 8 2020

    Jake Kelfer’s professional journey out of college took a right turn when the job he had lined up disappeared. Instead of being a NBA player’s agent raking in the bucks, Jake found himself working for the L.A. Lakers where he was influenced by the likes of Kobe Bryant and for us older NBA fans, the great Jerry West. Jake left the Lakers after Kobe’s retirement and has gone on to become a 2x bestselling author, global speaker, and founder of Pro Basketball Combine which has helped 70+ NBA draft prospects sign their first contract. Jake is also a coach to entrepreneurs and freedom seekers. 


    In this feature interview Jake:


    • Credits his parents for teaching him not to fear rejection and failure
    • Explains how a chance meeting with basketball legend Jerry West helped him find his why
    • Tells us why he walked away from a dream job with the L.A. Lakers
    • Says that as human beings most of us put way to much pressure on ourselves to succeed
    • Encourages us to resist the temptation to constantly measure traditional metrics of success
    • Talks about the 7 main buckets that contribute to success
    • And reminds us that we don’t need everyone to like us in our life journey


    Jake can be reached at:

    Instagram @jakekelfer 

    Website: https://www.jakekelfer.com/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    30 min
  • People Are Not Machines So Stop Acting Like One | Angie Cole - Part 2
    Dec 2 2020

    Angie Cole is the founder of Untaming The Wild, where she helps Business Owners, CEO's, and Startup Entrepreneurs find their power to buck society while building their business. And in Angie’s case, the need to buck society goes way beyond the sometimes rote discussion about success being about more than money. Like me, Angie bristles at the idea that there is a one size fits all approach to living the life you want or success as an entrepreneur.  


    In this episode, Angie:


    • Destroys the myth that “fear is not an option for entrepreneurs.”
    • Insists that you don't have to be tracking all your metrics, and you don't have to repeat the template that you've been given
    • Tells us its okay to pursue things that feel right, even if they don’t seem to make sense on paper
    • Admits that she doesn’t really do schedules or lists anymore. Instead, she has very clear aims.
    • Decides where to allocate her energy each day based on the information she has when she wakes up
    • And sums it up this way. The only thing consistent about me is my persistence.


    This episode is thought-provoking and will especially appeal to those who struggle with the idea that the key to success is excessive structure. As a special thank you to STN listeners, Angie has a free download available at http://www.angie-cole.com/purpose-full-design. 


    Angie can be reached at:


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    33 min
  • What To Do When The Cost Of Staying Is Too Great | Angie Cole - Part 1
    Dec 1 2020

    Angie Cole is the founder of "Untaming The Wild," where she helps Business Owners, CEO's, and Startup Entrepreneurs find their power to buck society while building their business. And in Angie’s case, the need to buck society goes way beyond the sometimes rote discussion about success being about more than money. Like me, Angie bristles at the idea that there is a one size fits all approach to living the life you want or success as an entrepreneur.  


    In Part 1 of this 2 part feature interview Angie:


    • She shares a story about the moment she realized that her parents were not always right.
    • Discusses the fine line parents face when trying to raise independent thinkers and obedient children
    • Challenges us to use play to discover our wild, untamed selves
    • Says that many unfulfilled people stay silent for fear of being seen as selfish
    • Calls out an oppressive system that makes us feel guilty and irresponsible if we want something different in life
    • How she broke free from the cycle by flying to Paris on short notice to think things through


    This is high energy and important reminder that we are in control of our own untamed self. Enjoy


    Angie can be reached at:


    Voir plus Voir moins
    30 min
  • Preparing For A Workplace That Has Already Arrived | Rutledge Long - Part 2
    Nov 25 2020

    Rutledge Long is an education entrepreneur and independent school consultant in Nashville, TN. A former AP Government and AP English teacher at a college preparatory boarding school, he understands the grind of SATs and APs. He founded Parachute Bridge so that high achieving students will decompress from the grind, rediscover their love of learning and build the skills, dispositions, and competencies that ensure their smooth transition into college and adult life. Parachute Bridge is a Non-Profit. 


    In Part two of this feature interview Rutledge:

    • States that the future of jobs is in areas like artificial reality, virtual reality, software engineering, and coding
    • Calls out Colleges who are graduating students into a world that is tech and digital, who are helplessly unprepared for the skills that are needed in today’s workplace.
    • Explains why more and more students are going straight from High School into the workforce
    • Tells us that most College Career Centres are not designed to help students explore different types of careers. They’re focused on getting graduates a job in their chosen field...which can be a heck of a problem if there are no jobs or if the student has discovered they don’t want to do that kind of work
    • Speaks about the number of young people embracing the so-called FIRE lifestyle. (live on a fixed income now to retire early)
    • And talks about the work they do at Parachute Bridge and how they are helping young people take ownership of their own careers




    You can reach Rutledge at:


    Website: https://www.parachutebridge.org/

    Email: Rutledge@parachutebridge.org 

    Voir plus Voir moins
    33 min