I start this week’s podcast with the big reveal, my word for 2024... Quantum!
2024 has been a wild and wonderful ride, and I thought my word was about my business and the changes my heart had been yearning to call in for some time.
But ALL areas of my life have seen radical changes for the better.
And the one that has been the best caught me totally by surprise, but my god, I am grateful for this change, you’ll have to listen in to find out more!
Your guidance word marks out the energy of the year. I’ve used this practice for years, and it works for me way better than any specific data-driven goal. Not that I think you shouldn’t have these, but let the energy lead, it is everything, after all!
I dive deeper into how I call in this word on my Substack, are you a member of this community yet? If not, why, it’s just £4.40 a month, the cost of 1 takeaway coffee, and you have a private weekly podcast each week from yours truly.
Join here - https://energymindsetmoneyandmore.substack.com/
Work with me 1:1
If last month’s episode inspired you or you’ve been feeling a calling to work with me 1:1, then the only way this can happen at the start of 2025 is to be part of my Your Purpose Mastermind. As I write this, there are just four places left. Early Bird price ends 10th Jan.
More info here - https://www.amyjonesmentor.com/your-purpose
There’s more coming for 2025, but for now, check out:
Soul-led Female Entrepreneurs Visit – https://www.amyjonesmentor.com/
Yoga Teacher Training Visit – www.amy-yoga.com