Truly awesome guest John Kercez that has a lifetime of adventures, achievements that makes him perfect for our amazing people from real life. I first met John working with him on some film stuff and was amazed at just how much he has done. John and I share that similar drive of do it no matter what anyone else says attitude and John will be back for additional shows.
A brief background is he is currently taking Hollywood by storm, but also on this episode talks about his ride into space among other thing. Plus, he tells us of his daily martial arts routines and something a little different as well as mentioning some of the famous Masters he studied under.
Amazingly in this episode we barely touched the surface of his life. My Co-Host Danielle and I loved having him and can't wait to bring him back for now.
John's links:
LinkedIn John J. Kerecz - IMDb (338) oshradio - YouTube This episode sponsored by: