
  • Life Update, Power of the Pause, and Finances
    Sep 22 2023

    After a longer-than-intended break I am back! Along with a life update, I discuss finances and why it is important to never compare your life with what you see on social media. After many heated discussions the last few months I also realized how important it is to pause (and pray) BEFORE entering/responding to a conversation.

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    20 min
  • The Easy Target
    Mar 30 2023

    Stepparents are many times...the easy target to blame when a situation does not go as planned, or if a problem arises with the kids. Especially if there are any feelings of jealousy, hostility, or just a general dislike from a coparent. Carlee highlights knowing your audience, setting boundaries, and touches on dealing with a HC coparent.

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    17 min
  • Being Overwhelmed
    Feb 5 2023

    As a now mother of 4…the feeling of being overwhelmed has become a part of my daily life. Between trying to juggle it all, maintain a social life, keep our house in order, and still coparent effectively...my mental health is not at peak performance. Join me as I discuss how to navigate through these feelings and what has been working for me.  

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    27 min
  • Transition Days & Acceptance
    Oct 21 2022

          One of the hardest days in blended family life in our house...is transition days. Adjusting to our house rules and expectations is tough for everyone-parents included! Carlee discusses what reminders help alleviate the stress of transition days, and as always...we have to focus on the positive.
         Acceptance also plays a huge role in blended families, and the harmony (or chaos) it can bring to the extended family dynamic. 

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    27 min
  • Dealing with Age Differences, Jealousy, and How To Cope
    Apr 20 2022

              Jealousy is a feeling that comes as no surprise when you hear of bio mom and bonus mom dynamics. But what can we do to change that? Join Carlee as she discusses strategies to deal with navigating a jealous bio mom, age difference between co-parents, and how to combat the negative impact it can have on your family.
              Carlee also touches on a huge family win this week. Holidays in a blended family are just plain tough- FOMO is real!! But any win...big or small...deserves to be celebrated and appreciated.

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    20 min
  • Discovering Boundaries
    Mar 24 2022

    Do you struggle with knowing your place in your 'second family'? If so, tune in to hear Carlee discuss her own families dynamic as she deals with respecting boundaries and not wanting to step on anyone's toes. In this episode Carlee talks about boundaries with disciplining the kids, how involved is TOO involved with school, and also extra-curricular activities. Dealing with other bonus spouses can also bring a different challenge into your life, but there is always hope. Carlee brings you tips and tricks to survive the chaos and find your perfect balance (and boundaries) in your own life.

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    23 min
  • Expectation VS Reality- Dealing With The Ex
    Feb 25 2022

    In this episode, Carlee discusses the original expectations when becoming a second wife and stepmom.
            Expectation 1- I was no new person to bio mom. She knew who I was and my family. This would work to my advantage and hopefully help me be accepted in my new role.
            Expectation 2- My husband and his ex have a virtually drama-free relationship. THANK GOODNESS!
    Navigating through co-parenting relationships can be tough, and for us...we have it on both sides of our blended family. Join me as we discuss different ways to change your mindset, change your mood, and give you the best chance for a drama-free and happy life!

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    36 min
  • Expectation VS Reality- All About the Kids
    Feb 9 2022

    Picture your life. How you expect your family dynamic to function, and the vibe of your home. Now imagine becoming a stepmom, and THOSE expectations of how your new family life will look.  
          Expectation 1- I am already a mom...how different can being a stepmom actually be?
          Expectation 2- My son will be thrilled to have a sibling!

    Join us as we dive in and discuss my pre-conceived thoughts on stepmom life, and how the realities of these two situations differed and aligned from my original thoughts.

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    29 min