
  • How to NEVER let the challenges stop you - with Renee Hayes
    Jun 19 2024

    We are thrilled to be back with another season of the Secrets of Confident Women Podcast!

    Our first guest this year is bestselling fantasy novel author, Renee Hayes who is truly a dream architect. Renee always wanted to be a fantasy novel writer from an early age however, life had other plans. She left home at 15, found herself as a single mum and worked hard to buy herself and her daughter their first home at 24 years old. Then, a debilitating back injury left her bedridden but, despite being in excruciating pain and lying flat on her back. She grabbed a notebook and penned her first novel. Here first novel received critical acclaim and she is now writing her 3rd novel.

    From overcoming adversity to conquering her dreams, Renee’s story is a testament to the power of perseverance, resilience and unwavering determination.

    In this episode, we discuss what it takes to overcome some big life challenges and to NEVER let them get in the way of your dreams.

    X Jodie & Anastasia

    RiSe Women

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    37 min
  • Celebrating the BESTof 2023
    Dec 13 2023

    We have had another amazing year and another amazing season of the Secrets of Confident Women Podcast.

    Thank you to all our guests and a HUGE thank you to all our listeners. This podcast really is a labour of love and we truly LOVE being able to bring you these interviews and this information.

    Have a wonderful Xmas and we hope 2024 is the year that you become the confident woman you have always wanted to be.

    Remember, we are here to support you in any way we can.

    Love Jodie & Anastasia RiseWomen.com

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    20 min
  • 3 Best Ways to Conquer Self-Doubt
    Nov 29 2023

    Self-Doubt is something we all have to deal with at times and, although it is normal to have feelings of self-doubt, it doesn’t make it any less debilitating.

    In today’s episode we take a good hard look at the very nature of self doubt, understand its roots and the impact it can have on our lives.

    Join us as we discuss:

    - What self-doubt truly is and why it creeps into our daily lives;

    - How you can harness self-doubt and reframe it to work for you;

    - 3 important techniques that will equip you to be resilient against its power.

    As you grow in life and push the boundaries of your comfort zone, you WILL feel elements of self-doubt so make sure you’re ready for it.

    x Jodie & Anastasia RiSe Women

    Voir plus Voir moins
    19 min
  • Being in the Driver’s Seat of your Career - with Randi Roberts
    Nov 23 2023

    In this week’s episode, we sit down with Randi Roberts, an accomplished executive and career coach, and dive into empowering conversations that will elevate you in your career and your professional journey.

    Randi helps professionals become re-energised by their work and attain career fulfillment without compromising what matters most.

    We discuss:

    • why women should taking control of their professional lives and steer their careers with intention;
    • how women can actively position themselves to make strategic decisions that drive their success forward;
    • the tendency for women to downplay their achievements;
    • how to amplify your visibility and influence in your professional role, ensuring that your contributions are recognized and valued, and
    • the one thing women miss when making career decisions.

    This episode will give you a fresh perspective on career empowerment and insights into some practical tips that will inspire you to not only take the wheel but navigate your career journey with purpose and confidence.

    x Jodie & Anastasia RiSe Women

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    30 min
  • Breaking Through Adversity to Thrive in Business - with Bethany Gettis
    Oct 25 2023

    So many of us deal with unexpected things that happen or change or adversity... and we have to be able to pivot quickly and adjust.

    This week we interview and incredible woman who has done just that! Bethany tells us how she navigated adversity, changed her life and created a thriving business.

    Bethany talks to us about:

    - postpartum depression;

    - the sudden death of her partner;

    - how she managed through the adversity of becoming a widow when her children were young;

    - how the people around us make a significant impact on how we cope;

    - what keeps her going;

    - how focussing on the small things helped her be grateful;

    - the skills she worked on to help her build her business;

    - how to learn to deal with the 'No', and

    - her favourite confidence tools!

    This episode is inspirational and has something for everyone.

    X Jodie & Anastasia

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    35 min
  • Financial Confidence after Divorce... with Leah Hadley.
    Jul 12 2023

    This week Jodie speaks with an incredible woman – Leah Hadley – who is the founder of Great Lakes Divorce and Financial Solutions. Leah is a nationally recognized financial empowerment expert and an award-winning financial planner who is on a mission to provide women compassionate financial guidance before, during and after a divorce to help them secure financial confidence and independence.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    - why we (as women) MUST be across our own finances and our financial future;

    - how women can access the financial information they need;

    - the most important step a woman can take to increase her financial confidence;

    - why we want to be realistic about where we are emotionally in the divorce process so we can make objective financial decisions rather than emotional ones;

    - the common mistakes women make after divorce that can cost them a lot of money;

    - the important thing you must consider if you’re divorcing a narcissist;

    - how to ensure you know who you are around money and be able to communicate that; and

    - the keys to keep your budget in check after the divorce is over.

    There’s nothing more freeing than being in charge of our finances and being able to make our own choices about the future and this episode will help you do just that.

    Whether your going through divorce, should be going though a divorce (wink) or helping a friend through a divorce… this episode will give you great tips on what to consider and how to take back your power.

    x Jodie & Anastasia RiSe Women

    Leah Hadley - Great Lakes Financial Solutions

    Voir plus Voir moins
    43 min
  • Your Voice is Crucial to Saving the World - with Belinda Clemmensen
    Jun 21 2023

    Join Jodie as she interviews Belinda Clemmensen, where they discuss the power that women’s voices have in the world.

    Belinda’s focus is Leadership and Organisational Development for women, she is the author of the incredible book ‘Women, Leadership and Saving the World’ and the founder of the Women’s Leadership Intensive. She also co-created Paddle to a Cure, which is a women-led series of sea kayaking expeditions for women living with breast cancer.

    Belinda really is an inspiring thought leader and a champion for all women and you will get so much out of this interview.

    X Jodie & Anastasia www.RiSeWomen.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    41 min
  • How to confidently manage other people’s opinions so they don’t derail your life!
    May 17 2023

    Join Jodie and Anastasia on this not-to-be-missed episode, where they discuss damaging and destructive opinions, and what you can do to stop them from derailing your life.

    This conversation is a game-changer because the reality is, we are ALL surrounded by opinions... all day... every day. Our own, society’s, our friends and family’s – wherever you turn, there are opinions coming at you and sometimes, it’s hard to know what to do when everyone’s voice is buzzing in your ear.

    In this episode, you’ll discover the truth about opinions, how to distinguish the good from the bad, and 2 easy but effective techniques to stop them from influencing your decisions and taking over your life.

    Jodie & Anastasia x RiSe Women

    Voir plus Voir moins
    21 min