Key Points:
Dedicating the Kirtland Temple: On March 26, 1836, Joseph Smith prepared to dedicate the Kirtland Temple, the first House of the Lord in this dispensation. That day, he met with Oliver Cowdery and others to prepare a prayer, a thoughtful process because Joseph had never done this before. Oliver recorded that he helped Joseph compose the prayer for the solemn occasion.
Solemn Assembly: The next morning, nearly a thousand Saints filled the Kirtland Temple, while others met nearby. Beginning at 9:00 a.m., they sustained Joseph as Prophet and Seer, followed by a dedication service with hymns, scripture, and prayers. In the afternoon, Joseph offered the dedication prayer, reading from what became Doctrine and Covenants 109, summarizing the Church’s aspirations and presenting them to the Lord.
Content of the Prayer: Section 109 expresses gratitude to God and asks Him to accept the temple, allowing the Saints to receive promised blessings, including the power to become like Him, following principles laid out in section 88. Joseph prayed for the Saints to be endowed with power, organized according to divine law, and equipped to fulfill their missions (Doctrine and Covenants 109:4–15). He also prayed for strength and protection for missionaries, the safety of Saints driven from Jackson County, and mercy upon their persecutors, asking for the repentance of those who had wronged them.
Personal and Family Prayers: Joseph prayed for himself, recounting his sincere efforts to honor his covenants, and asked for blessings for Emma, their children, his in-laws, Church leaders, and the entire congregation, that they might be “exalted” with their families—a term here first used in the Doctrine and Covenants to indicate temple-enabled salvation (Doctrine and Covenants 109:69).
Petitions for Eternal Life: The prayer concludes with a desire for Saints to be “clothed with salvation” and rise in the first resurrection, crowned with glory and “robes of righteousness” (v. 76). Joseph repeated his plea that the Lord “hear us” and “accept the dedication,” envisioning Saints joining in worship with heavenly choirs.
Legacy of Section 109: Section 109 set a precedent for future temple dedications and offers a guide on how to pray in the temple: to ask for blessings aligned with God’s will, and to seek growth in degrees of divine glory until fully exalted. Alongside sections 76, 84, 88, and 93, section 109 extends the doctrine of the temple, encouraging Saints to “grow up” to God’s presence and fullness of joy, laying a foundation for the later revelation on exaltation in section 132. This prayer invites Saints, limited by mortality, to seek divine power and ultimately transcend into the eternal presence of God, surrounded by His majesty, truth, mercy, and infinite fullness (Doctrine and Covenants 109:77).
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