“Blessed Pope! The children, they- they-...” “Slow down my son. They did what?” “They turn away from the lord in order to watch something called ‘Anime’! It is the devil’s work!” The Pope then subtly closes a door to his One Piece merch collection. “Ah, yes, very unholy… But if you can’t beat em, why not join them?”
This week on the podcast, Will and Theo talk about Theo’s envy of a first class passenger on a flight having an Apple Vision Pro, some occupation based Hells (like how Gambler’s Hell is that they always win at the casino), Outback Steakhouses’ unhinged “Steakmas” promotion, the Vatican’s new Anime style mascot that is named Luci and the Internet’s naughty reaction, 9 of the most famous conspiracy theories concerning Walt Disney, and Will takes us through some McDonald’s urban legends!
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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtOxbiSIX1NlSrNMLSqzFqQ