Life Is Work - Ep 67 - Self Care Check In
Co-hosts, Producers:
Danielle Stenger
Cameron Navarro, LMSW
Mel’s Mindful Minute: 37:30
Melanie Wilmoth Navarro, LMSW, RYT, TSTSY-F
Owner, Lead Facilitator - Whole Moon Wellness
Contact Info:
Intro - Nostalgiaholic, by Picnic Lightning
MMM Transitions - Sur, by Picnic Lightning
Outro - Pa’lante, by Hurray for the Riff Raff
Self Care Check In
- RESULT: To check in on our resolutions, goals, and discuss how we’re creating ways to prioritize ourselves.
- Camnecdote
- Areas of Life activity keeping in my bag all year
Protein - Main Event - Topic d’jour
- Self Care Check In
- Halfway through the year (almost!)
- In US, the July 4th holiday is a good way to mark halfway through the year
- Common Pitfalls
- We’ve been swept away by schedules
- We were derailed by imperfect progress
- perfection/productivity
- “Im not perfect right away so it must not be for me”
- Mindfulness app “streak” example
- Creating space to prioritize ourselves
- Every day is a new opportunity!
- Reframing/mindset shift
- “We can always begin again” (Sharon Salzberg)
- Mindfulness - tendency to catch myself getting very overwhelmed by my emotions and needing to pull back to observe them, instead of “oh i messed up!” a core part of the practice is just returning to your center. Coming back again is key to growth, awareness, and trying anything new
- Black is King, Beyonce - you can always return home to yourself
- Mindfulness & resolution episode resources
- NVC observation - what’s actually happening
- Try not to jump to judgement
- Dan example - “Try to reduce the gap between your values and your actions.” - Miriame Kaba
- Identifty - what are my values? What are my commitments to those values?
- Commitment + Practice = Capacity
- If we notice (observe) that we are not committed, the response should be curiosity - why am I not committed?
- Is this the “right” goal for me at this time in my context?
- If we notice we do not have capacity, the response is compassion - we are human and can only do so much!
- Start anew with the proecss
- Ongoing practice, you can always return home to yourself, always return to your values and reassess. Lifelong discipline
- Adaptive self care
- Prioritizing ourselves throughout the day
- Ex: Movement break, outside time, process with a friend, relax your shoulders! 3 deep breaths
- How do you want to use 5 minutes?
- Check in with your support systems
- How can we support each other?
- What do we need?
Mel’s Mindful Minute: 37:30
We Are Always Students
- Selfcarefully by Grace Obuchowicz
- Burnout by Amelia Nagoski and Emily Nagoski
- Headspace on Netflix
- Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself by Nedra Glover Tawaab
Sharing is Self-Caring
- Self-care
- What do you need right now?
- Community-care
- Have I checked in with my loved ones recently?
- Systems-care
- How are your environments (i.e. office, schedule, city, etc) supporting or inhibiting your goals?
Reach Out!
- Find questions submission link
- Instagram @ lifeisworkpod
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- Ko-Fi Coffee