Many men report feeling ‘stuck’ in midlife. Trapped in their lives, no matter how ‘successful’ they may be, with no idea how to change their circumstances and lead lives that are more rewarding and fulfilling. But by exploring emotions, behaviours and values with curiosity rather than judgement, things can change fast. This week Paul talks to Nick Edgar about self leadership, and about the value of self awareness and emotional agility. While the path to self-leadership may seem at first to be a somewhat alien concept and therefore, feel daunting, meaningful change begins with small, consistent steps toward curiosity and compassion, rather than huge life changes. Offering a roadmap for men seeking to reclaim their identity, purpose, and fulfilment, Nick also introduces the concept of self-soothing behaviours, and discusses how to identify these patterns and understand their root causes. You can read the full transcript for this episode at I'd love to hear about your experiences, so if you'd like to get in touch email me at and let me know what's on your mind or sign up to the newsletter at