
  • Season Final
    Jul 7 2022

    It has been really fun recording my podcast these last couple months.

    I am so proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone and trying something new.

    Thank you to all 500 of you who listened from Columbia, Canada, Mexico, South Africa, New Zealand, United Kingdom and of course the US. I appreciate every single one of you!

    On this episode, I discussed what I have learned during this process. What I might do differently next season, and if I want to continue talking about adoption or not.

    Thank you for your support!

    Thank you for listening!

    Website: https://bit.ly/3PxUfHW

    Email: hello@ritaperry-jones.com

    Instagram: https://bit.ly/3zdgQDS

    Facebook group: https://bit.ly/3GMcq8J

    Voir plus Voir moins
    22 min
  • Episode 13, The importance of a healthy mother and daughter relationship.
    Jun 16 2022

    In this episode, I discussed how to go the extra mile to create a healthy relationship with your bio or adopted child.

    As moms we juggle a lot of ‘balls”/ things. It is important to learn which of those balls are glass balls and which are rubber balls. If you let the glass balls fall they will break, but the rubber balls will bounce back. In other words, prioritize  those things that are important to you and focus on them.  I shared my “glass balls,” I hope these inspire you to find yours.

    Thank you for listening!

    Website: https://bit.ly/3PxUfHW

    Email: hello@ritaperry-jones.com

    Instagram: https://bit.ly/3zdgQDS

    Facebook group: https://bit.ly/3GMcq8J

    Voir plus Voir moins
    41 min
  • Episode 12 What we wish we knew!
    Jun 7 2022

    In this episode, I shared an adoptive mom’s experience on what she wished she would have known before adopting 6 kids. They were all very interesting.  Some of them were, birth moms are not scary, adoption ethic, love is not always enough and more.

    I also shared a couple of things that I wish I would have known before being adopted. Things like how much your life will change after being adopted.  When trying to find your place in your family, you will interrupt bonds and relationships that were already created.

    My prayer is that these experiences will help adopted families understand adoption from different perspectives and encourage them to create deeper relationships with their child(ren)

    Thank you for listening!

    Website: https://bit.ly/3PxUfHW

    Email: hello@ritaperry-jones.com

    Instagram: https://bit.ly/3zdgQDS

    Facebook group: https://bit.ly/3GMcq8J

    Voir plus Voir moins
    32 min
  • Episode 11 The impact of missionaries on orphans
    May 10 2022

    This episode was one of my favorites I recorded, it brought back so many amazing memories.  In this episode, I discussed how missionaries impacted my life and the lives of other children from the orphanage in Liberia. Some of those missionaries were Clarissa Jaimes, Chabo, Stephanie Jones (Teahn), Fairlite Rogers, Jenny, Melly, and lots more.

    If you are someone who God has called to go to third world countries to help orphans, please Go! It is not really about you; it is about the children whose life you are going to impact forever.

    Thank you for listening!

    Email: hello@ritaperry-jones.com

    Instagram: @ritaperryjones

    Website: ritaperry-jones.com

    Facebook group: the adopted mom podcast

    Voir plus Voir moins
    30 min
  • Episode 10 Get to Know your host
    May 4 2022

    I can’t believe that I have actually recorded 10 episodes!!! I am celebrating this small win by answering some of your questions. I answered the following questions on this episode:

    When did you become a believer? Favorite bible verse, why? What do you like to do for fun? Are you a Thrill seeker or not? Are you done having children? What do you do to keep you sane? Will you go back to Liberia someday?  How are you helping people back home? How did you and your husband meet?  what is one physical thing you like about your husband? Who are some people you look up to? What are some of your pet peeves?

    Thank you for listening!

    Email: hello@ritaperry-jones.com


    Facebook group: the adopted mom podcast

    Voir plus Voir moins
    37 min
  • 10 Things to help you Create relationship with your Adopted child(ren)
    Apr 12 2022

    I was in bed one night and thought of ten things that could have helped me when I was adopted. I shared those ten things in this episode. Some of them are, cultural differences (explaining them in context), cultural appreciation day at home, being valuable when you talk to your child and many more. I know that this episode will be very useful for families with adopted children, please share it!

    Email: hello@ritaperry-jones.com


    Facebook group: the adopted mom podcast

    Voir plus Voir moins
    25 min
  • A Day in the life of an orphan
    Apr 5 2022

    This is a continuation of episode 3, in which I discussed my life before the orphanage. In this episode, I talked about the day I was dropped off at the orphanage and what a “normal” day was like. From mealtime, to school, to devotion and everything in between. There are sad memories in this episode, but this is not a “have pity on me episode” this is a gratitude and look how far God has brought me, episode.

    Thank you for listening

    Email: hello@ritaperry-jones.com

    Instgram:@ ritaperryjones

    Facebook group: the adopted mom podcast

    Voir plus Voir moins
    28 min
  • Does trauma make a person stronger or weaker?
    Mar 29 2022

    TRAUMA! What does it mean? How do you know you are traumatized? Does trauma make a person stronger or weaker? These are some of the questions I answered in this episode. This was a very intense topic that I couldn't discussed on my own, so I reached out to other kids from the orphanage who had similar experiences as me. I read their responses and they all had one thing in common. Please listen to find out! This is a very good episode! Thank you to all my brothers and sisters from Liberia who helped me out with this episode. LIB

    Thank you for listening

    Email: hello@ritaperry-jones.com

    Instgram:@ ritaperryjones

    Facebook group: the adopted mom podcast

    Voir plus Voir moins
    31 min