
  • Station Fifteen - Jesus is Risen
    Mar 30 2024

    In the finale episode of "Stations of the Cross" on Shalom World Podcasts, the focus shifts to the resurrection of Jesus, the pivotal event that transformed humanity's future. Through Mary Magdalene's encounter at the empty tomb, the victory of Christ over death is revealed. The episode emphasizes the significance of the crucifixion as a triumph, not a defeat, and invites listeners to emulate Mary's faith and proclamation of Christ's resurrection.

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    5 min
  • Station Fourteen - His Body is Laid in a Tomb
    Mar 29 2024

    Today, we journey through the fourteenth Station of the Cross, where we contemplate the solemn act of the Burial of Jesus. In this pivotal moment, as recounted in Matthew 27:57-61, we encounter Joseph of Arimathe′a, a courageous disciple of Jesus. With unwavering faith, Joseph steps forward to request the body of Jesus from Pilate, ultimately taking it upon himself to ensure Jesus receives a proper burial.

    Reflecting on this act of burial, we are reminded of the humble circumstances surrounding Jesus' life and death. As we meditate on the love demonstrated through Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross, let us draw nearer to the Holy Trinity, seeking to emulate Christ's example in our daily lives. With hearts filled with adoration and gratitude, let us journey onwards, for by His Cross, He has redeemed the world.

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    5 min
  • Station Thirteen - He is Taken Down from the Cross
    Mar 28 2024

    In this episode, we reflect on the thirteenth station of Jesus's journey, where He is taken down from the Cross and placed in the arms of His mother, Mary. As Jesus's lifeless body is tenderly placed in Mother Mary's arms, we reflect on her suffering as a mother witnessing the death of her beloved child. Mary, who had obediently accepted God's will from the Annunciation onward, now endures the agony of seeing her son fulfill His divine purpose.

    We invite you to contemplate Mother Mary's unwavering faith and obedience and encourage you to reflect on your own spiritual journey and to intercede for those who have strayed from Christ's path.

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    5 min
  • Station Twelve - He Dies on the Cross
    Mar 27 2024

    We journey through the twelfth station of the Cross, meditating on the moment of Jesus's death on the Cross. Drawing from Matthew 27:50-54, we witness the powerful signs that accompany Jesus's final moments, affirming His divine nature. Despite the darkness surrounding His crucifixion, Jesus remains steadfast in His faith, quoting Psalm 22 to express His trust in God's plan.

    Listeners are encouraged to confront their own moments of doubt and despair, seeking forgiveness and strength to surrender to God's will. Through reflection and prayer, we are reminded of the redemptive power of Christ's sacrifice, inviting us to bow in adoration and gratitude for His ultimate act of love.

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    4 min
  • Station Eleven - He is Nailed to the Cross
    Mar 22 2024

    In this episode, we reflect on the Eleventh Station of the Cross, where Jesus is nailed to the Cross. Reflecting on Christ’s act of sacrifice, we contemplate the significance of His love amidst suffering and humiliation. As we witness His selfless surrender for our redemption, we are called to acknowledge our own sins and the role we play in the crucifixion. We are invited to present ourselves at the foot of the Cross, seeking forgiveness and renewal through His boundless love.

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    4 min
  • Station Ten - He is Stripped
    Mar 19 2024

    As we journey through the Stations of the Cross on Shalom World Podcasts, we reflect on the Tenth Station of the Cross, where Jesus is Stripped of His Garments, symbolizing the utter humiliation and vulnerability he faced before his crucifixion.

    This station evokes the biblical narrative of Adam and Eve's shame in the Garden of Eden, where God clothes them with garments of animal skin despite their attempts to hide from Him. We reflect upon humanity's rejection of God incarnate, Who, even in the face of such betrayal, responds with boundless love, offering grace and forgiveness to all.

    As we journey through Lent, let us recall those moments when we have stripped Christ of His dignity and deprived others of their honor. May we seek His forgiveness and embrace His mercy, offering ourselves to Him wholly and allowing Him to clothe us with His grace.

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    4 min
  • Station Nine - He Falls for the Third Time
    Mar 15 2024

    As we journey through the Stations of the Cross on Shalom World Podcasts, we reflect on the Ninth Station of the Cross, where Jesus Falls the Third Time. Christ fell for the third time and his body bore the weight of immense suffering. With each step, He bore our sins, a burden too heavy for any mortal to bear. Despite the agony, he summoned the strength to rise, resolute in his journey to Calvary.

    Just as Christ endured trials and tribulations on His journey, may we too find the strength to overcome obstacles in our own lives, trusting in the will of the Father and the enduring power of His love. This Lenten season, as we reflect on our own struggles and shortcomings, let us confidently approach the throne of mercy, seeking forgiveness for the times we have stumbled while journeying through the path He lovingly laid down for us.

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    5 min
  • Station Eight - The Women of Jerusalem Weep as They See Him
    Mar 12 2024

    Join us on Shalom World Podcasts as we journey through the Stations of the Cross. We look at the Eighth Station: the women of Jerusalem weeping as they see Jesus.

    Even in the midst of His agonizing journey to Calvary, Jesus extends His compassionate gaze to these women, urging them not to weep for Him but to heed His call to repentance and weep for their children.

    This station prompts us to reflect on our own shortcomings, times when we have been blinded by selfishness and strayed from the path of righteousness. Just as the Messiah turned to invite the women of Jerusalem to repent, He turns to us today, inviting us to surrender our hearts to Him. The question remains: Are we willing to offer Him our hearts?

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    4 min