
  • This is what it is; this is what it ain't
    Apr 1 2019

    This is the first podcast! In Episode 1, I talk about what you can expect, and what you won't get here! Let's start talking. 

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    20 min
  • Season One: Identity
    Apr 8 2019

    Have you ever thought about what makes you think about yourself the way you do? Let's think about the way(s) you have engaged with your understanding of who you are, who some of the most respected Psychologists in identity development, and how I reconcile my sense of self considering some of my traumas around school. 


    Erik Erikson- Psychosocial Development  

    Ruthellen Josselson (Women Identity Development)

    Adolescent Development (Marcia's 4 stages that make plain sense)

    Voir plus Voir moins
    40 min
  • I'm Not Sorry- Episode 3
    Apr 20 2019

    In this episode of She S.P.E.A.K.S.S.S., we dive into apologies that you shouldn't be giving: doing you! Learn why you shouldn't apologize for being you, plus hear a snippet of my book, 7 Days 7 Ways to Your Prayers and Praise. 

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    34 min
  • Am I Allowed to Feel?
    Apr 22 2019

    There's a long standing belief that Black women are angry, but have you ever considered why they are? Where did this mainstreamed idea come from? And, why are Black women still angry? Join me for this conversation about why America hasn't given Black women room to feel, and strategies for feeling your way back to being your whole and happy self.

    7 Days and 7 Ways to Your Prayers and Praise

    Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome by Joy DeGruy

    Mammy, Sapphire, and Jezebel: Historical Images of Black Women and their Implications for Psychotherapy*By Carolyn M. West, 1995

    THE 'ANGRY BLACK WOMAN' MAKES REAL WOMEN ANGRY (data for how America still perceives Black women) 

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    37 min
  • Independence or Interdependence?
    May 2 2019

    If "it takes a village to raise a child", is it bad to hold a high value to being a member of that village? This episode will dive into the reclaiming experience Black women have had in being a member and building community. Is building a community a bad thing, though? What has psychologist gathered information about Black women, and how are they speaking about how we relate to things beyond ourselves? 

    Mammy, Sapphire, and Jezebel: Historical images of Black women and their implications for psychotherapy

    Dr. West, 1995.


    IG: coach.teasia.a

    IG: she.speaksss

    email: iamshesheismeproject@gmail.com

    Voir plus Voir moins
    55 min
  • Jezzy, Baby!
    May 6 2019

    This last stereotype is up for discussion! Let's unpack why Black women aren't expected to be married, have children, and to not have any morals... who said so, and why are we living out someone else's negative thoughts?


    Mammy, Sapphire, and Jezebel: Historical images of Black women and their implications for psychotherapy

    Dr. Carolyn M. West, 1995


    IG: @coach.teasia.a/@she.speaksss


    Voir plus Voir moins
    48 min
  • Impostor Syndrome
    May 27 2019

    "I think I can; I think I can", but then, some how you don't. If you have been dealing with knowing that you can accomplish something but mysteriously don't do it, I have a hunch that you may be secretly dealing with this! Many successful people do, so don't feel alone. Get ready to change your thoughts and words towards yourself, though! You are a PowerHouse! 


    IG: @coach.teasia.a

    IG: @she.speaksss

    Voir plus Voir moins
    33 min
  • PowerHouse Affirmation
    Jun 3 2019

    Okay! So what do I mean when I call you a PowerHouse? Let's talk about it for real! Did I mention it's a Bible based blessing I'm speaking towards you? 

    You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength! 

    God Conversations-Facebook Page

    Download the Affirmation Statement Here:PowerHouse Affirmation Statement

    IG: @coach.teasia.a

    IG: @she.speaksss

    Voir plus Voir moins
    24 min