• Learn to stop and have one bite at a time
    Apr 10 2023

    One of the greatest challenges to making progress with our goals is the idea that we can have it all. This episode explores the importance of being able to focus on one thing at a time and not spreading yourself thin to the point of becoming ineffective. I share about my personal experiences with trying to do too many things at the same time and the drawbacks it caused me. As a final note, this is my last episode, atleast for a while as I have come to the realisation that the need to focus is where I am at in life and a few things have to take a back seat, even those that are dear to my heart like this podcast. Atleast for now.

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    15 min
  • Lessons I learnt from dieting
    Mar 24 2023

    Over the years I have had a lot of experiences with dieting and have learnt a lot from the experiences. I share about what I learnt, how it helped me and my recent shift from not wanting anything to do with changing my eating habits because of past pressures to now recently re-engaging with weight watchers.

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    14 min
  • The Stress of going back home
    Mar 10 2023

    This episode looks at ways of addressing the pressure that people sometimes place on themselves to lose weight when its time to go back home. Often there is a fear of judgment from family and friends about extra weight that one may have gained. We explore a more authentic way of living.

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    10 min
  • One size does NOT fit all
    Feb 22 2023
    Today we explore the idea that despite the message that has been put out there, one size really does not fit all. This is something that can instil shame as people strive to fit into a predefined mould only to be disappointed when it does not work.
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    5 min
  • Managing depression about your weight- The Deep waters song
    Feb 15 2023

    This episode looks at the impact that weight struggles can have on your general mood and the helplessness and hopeless that accompanies depression when nothing seems to be working for you. You are encouraged to change the way you approach your struggles and learn to focus on being kind and compassionate towards yourself. I explore parts of the song I wrote at a time when I was extremely depressed about my weight-Deep waters.

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    15 min
  • Dealing with awkward moments like "Have you lost weight?".
    Feb 1 2023

    In this episode I explore the thoughts and feelings that can often come up when people say things to you that do not line up with what is truth to you. Particular focus is on moments when people comment on your 'weight loss' at a time when you know you have gained weight. Do you go along with what they are saying to please them or do you speak up. Sometimes people can impose their own values and beliefs and you have to make a decision about how you are going to handle that.

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    12 min
  • No More New Year's Resolutions-Just take action
    Jan 5 2023

    Have you ever felt stuck when it comes to your goals and found yourself not able to make any progress. Well in today's episode we look at the role that waiting to make resolutions of some sort can actually hinder progress to our goals. There are many reasons we can come up with for why we are not able to do what we want. Instead of trying to psych yourself up as a way of motivating yourself to do things, how about you resolve to take action instead. Forget the resolutions, just do something, anything. Movement is just that, movement.

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    12 min
  • A pear can NEVER be an orange
    Dec 11 2022

    I am a strong believer that differences should be celebrated and not looked down upon. Many people spend a lot of their time comparing themselves to others and trying to be someone else. This episode is about exploring the idea that you are unique and that's a wonderful thing. When you stop comparing and start valuing your unique self then you truly begin a path to authentic living.

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    8 min