Episode #192 "Silent Disclosure..."
Over the past two years there has been increased talk about both the UFO and Bigfoot phenomena with a focus on demystifying the subjects and bringing them out in the open for scientific analyses but why now? This episode was recorded live on our YouTube Channel during the Wild & Weird LIVE broadcast.
You can watch the full episode FREE here with over 2 hrs of unedited content,
Join the discussion every Thursday 8PM EST.
Hosts: Ron Lanham, Joe Perdue, Brandon Wills
Edited & Produced: Ron Lanham
Music Ron Lanham, Dave Roberts, David DeWeese
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This episode made possible by support from our Wild & Weirdos and Weirdettes:
Adam Good, Small Town Monsters, Theresa, Dewey Edwards, Spooky Appalachia, Larry Hose, Guitarchains Craig, Travis Aurednik, Geoffrey Steele, Russ Bailey, Chris Coots, Ada Cox, Nancy White, Scott Holbrook, BigfootLittlefoot, Tommy Swiger, Ashely Hilt, Terri Summerfield, Sarah Ramsey, Julie Bug, Finding The Track Way, L.W. Marshall, Donna Hough, Angie Breeden, Lesa McAdams Beard, Pat Bailey, Lotus Flower
The list grows weekly!
Thank you all, we see you out there!