
  • Mindfulness Mode Interview; Episode 5
    Nov 22 2024

    This episode is an interview with Dean Graves, who, along with Bruce Langford, the host of Mindfulness Mode Podcast, interviewed. We discuss the process of enlightenment and offer an overview of the process

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    19 min
  • The Mind, Intelligence, Environments, and other distortions. Episode 4
    Nov 11 2024

    The fourth episode of Simple Enlightenment discusses density grouping by responsibility and/or function, intelligence, the various minds and environments of creation, time/space and space/time, racial mind biases, what happens when we die, where thought is processed, where thoughts come from, and the available minds of 3rd Density.

    If you would like to learn more about this podcast's subject matter, we encourage you to read our book The Enigma of Consciousness; a Spiritual Exploration of Humanity’s Relationship to Creation (available from your favorite bookstore). You may also find additional information and/or clarification in our sister podcast “Chatting with the Arcturians” where conduct a casual conversation with the Arcturians and gain their perspective on some of the subjects.

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    32 min
  • Creation Expands; Episode 3
    Nov 6 2024

    This is a very intense episode with lots of foundational information that will lay the foundation for your understanding of creation and our place within it. Topics explained in this episode include the Law of Confusion, energy creation, the distortion of light, the concept of manyness, the beginning structure of creation, fractals of consciousness, the nature of subject/object relationships, enlightenment (which is the evolution of consciousness), the delineation of the inherent characteristics of the Creator, emergence of racial minds, the diversification of distortions, the higher-self emergence, soul streams, how consciousness evolves, the nine archetypes that comprise our universe, primordial darkness, and much more.

    If you would like to learn more about the subject matter of this podcast, we encourage you to read our book The Enigma of Consciousness; a Spiritual Exploration of Humanity’s Relationship to Creation (available from your favorite bookstore). You may also find additional information and/or clarification in our sister podcast “Chatting with the Arcturians” where conduct a casual conversation with the Arcturians and gain their perspective on some of the subjects.

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    41 min
  • Creation Begins; episode 2
    Oct 31 2024

    In this episode, we explain how creation began and how consciousness came into being including the actions undertaken for its beginning, purpose, and nature. We also introduce the “Law of One” and explain the environment of Intelligent Infinity, the first distortion that allowed the beginning of creation, spirituality, how humanity (and all of consciousness) learns, the importance of thoughts, the importance of the perception of the self, and the concept of free will.

    If you would like to learn more about the subject matter of this podcast, we encourage you to read the book The Enigma of Consciousness; a Spiritual Exploration of Humanity’s Relationship to Creation (available from your favorite bookstore) where you can learn much more about the blueprint for how we process thought, the curriculum of 3rd Density, and many of the other higher densities as well.

    Also, listen to our sister podcast, "Chatting with the Arcturians," to gain insights into the residents of a parallel star system to our own.

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    43 min
  • Introduction and Listening Guide.
    Oct 24 2024

    The Simple Enlightenment podcast is a course of study that is intended to provide the listener with information that will help surrender erroneous beliefs that distract from the advancement of a person's enlightenment. It is light and light is information, hence “enlightenment”. It is incumbent upon the recipient of the information to replace all prevailing distortions of perception that contradict truthful light and thereby allow the recipient to align themselves more completely with the truth. For most people, this will not be an easy task because most of the information will contradict numerous prevailing hegemonies that are pervasive throughout the human population.

    However, replacing erroneous beliefs and their resulting hegemonies is essential to allowing individuals to align themselves more significantly with the universe, which is a tactful way of saying “aligning themselves more completely with the One Infinite Creator.” The choice is always yours because free will, which is the first distortion of perception, compels choice to make your journey through creation unique.

    Additional information is available in books written by the author of the podcast. The most complete book is titled “The Enigma of Consciousness; a Spiritual Exploration of Humanity’s Relationship to Creation” which is available from your favorite bookstore.

    More targeted information is available from the following books:

    1. “The Identity Model; Understanding and Healing Stress and Suffering” available from Amazon.

    2. “Enlightenment; Plain and Simple”, also available from Amazon.

    3. “Edifying Children of a Lesser God; Answers to Existential Questions”, also available from Amazon.

    Further information and resources are available from a sister podcast titled “Chatting with the Arcturians”.

    Finally, it is everyone’s purpose in life to explore themselves. It is everyone’s mission in life to awaken, assume responsibility for their consciousness evolution, and advance themselves along the enlightenment path. No one can do this work for you. It may be the most difficult undertaking of your lifetime but it is undoubtedly the most rewarding work you can do.

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    11 min