How often do you wish you could have a homeschool do-over? Well, now you can, through revisiting Jamie's mistakes instead of having to make your own!
- This episode is sponsored by Ivy Kids and TJEd's Young Statesmen/Stateswomen Society!
- Take Jamie's quiz, What's Your Homeschool Mom Personality?
This year I'm doing monthly Then and Now Reflections on the podcast - looking back over my 15 year homeschooling career and sharing what I've learned along the way.
In Episode 125, you'll hear me and my son Jonathan (19-yrs-old, homeschool graduate) discuss:
- The details of our homeschool routine back with a 6, 7, and 8-year-old, having just moved to a house in the countryside
- Our experiment having "Yes" Day on Mondays
- How having greater access to nature influenced the flow of our days
- When homeschool moms manage to find time to eat
- How bloggers with three young kids have to make sure the photos in a post are "fair"
- What made this one of my favorite years of homeschooling
Come listen in and be encouraged!
To read the original article I wrote in 2012 and/or check out links mentioned in this episode, head here.