We have taught in earlier broadcast shows how to freeze our rampaging thoughts by pushing the pause button of our mental remote control. Once the thought has become stagnant, we can ask the Father as to whether He gave us the particular thought which has now become immobile. If He answers in the negative, then by process of elimination, we can determine whether the immobile thought originated with us or the Adversary. If we determine the thought we have been entertaining came from the Adversary, then Luke chapter 10:19 reminds us that we have been given authority over all of the power of the enemy and that nothing of his will by any means harm us.
We have the God-given authority to decide what thoughts remain in our minds. We have the authority to renounce/ reject thoughts as well as to bind, break and cancel any thoughts that originate from the enemy.
We then have to back-fill the void that the rejected thought leaves behind with the truth of God's word in Scripture regarding what He says is true about us. (See Luke 11:24).
Jesus said He is the truth. We also need to ask the question to Father God: how does He see us in the present moment and then listen intensely. As we identify more and more as belonging to Father God as His human children, issues regarding our identity disappear. We exercise the authority that Jesus gave to His disciples in Luke chapter 10 and we finally begin to take control of our thought life. (See 2Cor. 10:3-5)
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