
  • "How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds” | Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost
    Sep 3 2024


    Stanza 1 // The name of Jesus is “sweet” not simply because it has been set to pleasing music, but because by Christ’s name, we are given faith. In Holy Baptism, Christ removes all sorrow and fear in this world with His promise.

    Stanza 2 // In what can sound like a long list of blessings, Jesus’ name is always extended to meet the needs of those in the world. It is wholeness for the wounded, calm for those without rest, manna to those who are hungry, and rest for the weary.

    Stanza 3 // The name of Jesus is a “shield and hiding place” from all the world would hurl at us. Where the world runs out of grace and favor, Christ’s treasury is filled and overflowing with mercy.

    Stanza 4 // Though not perfect by the standards of the world, our prayers and requests are accepted by God through the name of Jesus Christ, who names all children of God.

    Stanza 5 // The prophet, priest, and king of the universe accepts the praise we bring in faith. In faith, Jesus is our sheprhd, guardian, and friend - who walks with us through life, death, and beyond the grave.

    Stanza 6 // This weekend’s Gospel reading proves how weak the efforts of our heart and how cold the thoughts of the human mind can be. We see only Christ’s disdain for the “dogs” of the world, and resist the reality this text shares. Even those named a dog by the world [and Christ Himself] receive the full blessings of Jesus’ mercy.

    Stanza 7 // Such great love is proclaimed whenever and wherever possible, as we trust Jesus’ name will refresh our soul in death. This is music to our ears, and refreshment to our souls, for we have been joined to Jesus’ sweet name now and forever.


    ELW 620 - How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds // ST. PETER

    ELW 434 - Jesus Shall Reign - DUKE STREET

    ELW 520 - How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds - ST. PETER

    ELW 587 - There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy - ST. HELENA

    ELW 610 - O Christ, the Healer We Have Come - DISTRESS

    ELW 675 - O Christ Our Light, O Radiance True - O JESU CHRISTE, WAHRES LICHT

    ELW 714 - O God of Mercy, God of Light - JUST AS I AM

    ELW 716 - Lord of All Nations, Grant Me Grace - BEATUS VIR

    ELW 886 - Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing - AZMON

    LBW 290 - There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy - LORD, REVIVE US

    LBW 345 - How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds - ST. PETER

    LBW 360 - O Christ, the Healer We Have Come - DISTRESS

    LBW 380 - O Christ Our Light, O Radiance True - O JESU CHRISTE, WAHRES LICHT

    LBW 419 - Lord of All Nations, Grant Me Grace - BEATUS VIR

    LBW 425 - O God of Mercy, God of Light - JUST AS I AM

    LBW 530 - Jesus Shall Reign - DUKE STREET

    LBW 559 - Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing - AZMON

    LSB 524 - How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds - ST. PETER

    LSB 528 - Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing - AZMON

    LSB 839 - O Christ Our True and Only Light - O JESU CHRISTE, WAHRES LICHT

    LSB 832 - Jesus Shall Reign - DUKE STREET

    LSB 844 - Lord of All Nations, Grant Me Grace - ANGELUS

    LSB 852 - O God of Mercy, God of Might - JUST AS I AM

    RH 30 - Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing - AZMON

    RH 186 - There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy - LORD, REVIVE US

    RH 195 - How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds - ST. PETER

    RH 268 - Jesus Shall Reign - DUKE STREET

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    11 min
  • "Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun” | Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost
    Aug 27 2024


    Stanza 1 // The book of Hebrews says we make a continual sacrifice to God. This means each day is one lived in the grace of God’s great sacrifice - one in which we sleep and rise in joy - for Christ has paid the price for our sin, and calls us to awake each day in His forgiveness.

    Stanza 2 // Just as Christ raises us from death to life in Jesus Christ, so we are given the gift of each day [and the many traditions and routines we enjoy] that God’s work mgiht be done in the refreshment of His promise.

    Stanza 3 // This hymn directs our focus to the Lord, who has promised to take away our sin, guard our thoughts, and remove our will by His Spirit, with which we are filled and given forgiveness of sin, new life, and salvation.

    Stanza 4 // The confusion of human tradition with God’s commandments and promise are easily seen today - both inside and outside the Church. This prayer asks that all we “design, do, or say” would be offered that God’s glory would be known. Any earthly power or tradition should be united with Christ’s promise.

    Stanza 5 // This familiar stanza was part of this morning hymn from its inception. We recognize it today as the “doxology.” In the original context, it was praise for God at the start of the day.


    ELW 557 - Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun // MORNING HYMN

    ELW 328 - Restore In Us, O God - BAYLOR

    ELW 517 - Lord, Keep Us Steadfast In Your Word - ERHALT UNS, HERR

    ELW 520 - Dearest Jesus, at Your Word - LIEBESTER JESU, WIR SIND HIER

    ELW 527 - Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now - HERR JESU CHRIST, DICH ZU UNS WEND

    ELW 557 - Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun - MORNING HYMN

    ELW 772 - Oh, That the Lord Would Guide My Ways - EVAN

    ELW 806 - O God, My Faithful God - WAS FRAG ICH NACH DER WELT

    LBW 230 - Lord, Keep Us Steadfast In Your Word - ERHALT UNS, HERR

    LBW 248 - Dearest Jesus, at Your Word - LIEBESTER JESU, WIR SIND HIER

    LBW 253 - Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now - HERR JESU CHRIST, DICH ZU UNS WEND

    LBW 269 - Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun - MORNING HYMN

    LBW 480 - Oh, That the Lord Would Guide My Ways - EVAN

    LBW 504 - O God, My Faithful God - WAS FRAG ICH NACH DER WELT

    LSB 655 - Lord, Keep Us Steadfast In Your Word - ERHALT UNS, HERR

    LSB 696 - O God, My Faithful God - O GOTT, DU FROMMER GOTT

    LSB 707 - Oh, That the Lord Would Guide My Ways - EVAN

    LSB 868 - Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun - MORNING HYMN

    LSB 902 - Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now - HERR JESU CHRIST, DICH ZU UNS WEND

    LSB 904 - Blessed Jesus, at Your Word - LIEBESTER JESU, WIR SIND HIER

    RH 44 - Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now - HERR JESU CHRIST, DICH ZU UNS WEND

    RH 60 - Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun - MORNING HYMN

    RH 71 - Lord, Keep Us Steadfast In Your Word - ERHALT UNS, HERR

    RH 203 - Dearest Jesus, at Your Word - LIEBESTER JESU, WIR SIND HIER

    RH 235 - Oh, That the Lord Would Guide My Ways - EVAN

    RH 238 - O God, My Faithful God - WAS FRAG ICH NACH DER WELT

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    15 min
  • "O Jesus, Joy of Loving Hearts” | Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost
    Aug 21 2024


    Stanza 1 // The world God has made gives us many great gifts - all of which leave us unfilled apart from Jesus Christ. The call of Christ comes from one who has the “words of eternal life” - greater than all gifts of the world, even the most miraculous manna given to God’s people in the Old Testament.

    Stanza 2 // Those who know Jesus Christ have nowhere else to go! When we “taste the ever-living bread” and quench our “thirsting souls” with our Lord’s mercy and forgiveness, we cling to these words in faith.

    Stanza 3 // Our “changing lot” in life is the seemingly random decisions and happenings in life we experience apart from Christ. “Where is God in all of this?” is solved in this hymn when Christ “smiles on us in love” and “holds us fast in faith.”

    Stanza 4 // The final stanza is a prayer. When Christ promises to be with us in flesh and blood, the “night of sin” is “chased away” by the holy, perfect light of our Lord, by which we have eternal life today - here and now.


    ELW 658 - O Jesus, Joy of Loving Hearts // WALTON

    ELW 474 - Bread of Life from Heaven - ARGENTINE SANTO - BREAK NOW THE BREAD OF LIFE

    ELW 476 - Thee We Adore, O Savior - ADORO TE DEVOTE

    ELW 658 - O Jesus, Joy of Loving Hearts - WALTON

    ELW 758 - You are the Way - DUNDEE

    LBW 199 - Thee We Adore, O Hiden Savior, Thee - ADORO TE DEVOTE

    LBW 356 - O Jesus, Joy of Loving Hearts - WALTON

    LBW 464 - You Are the Way - DUNDEE

    LSB 526 - You Are the Way; through You Alone - DUNDEE

    LSB 640 - Thee We Adore, O Hiden Savior, Thee - ADORO TE DEVOTE

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    10 min
  • "I Am the Bread of Life” | Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost
    Aug 12 2024


    Stanza 1 // Christ’s words are sung by Christians to one another - perhaps most effectively when led by a choir, cantor, or small group of singers. Jesus gives us these words, and we come to Christ because God calls us to Himself.

    Stanza 2 // The bread Jesus gives is Himself for your life, which promises us life forever in God’s promise of resurrection.

    Stanza 3 // If we question the veracity of these words, Jesus points to those given truly miraculous, heavenly food as an example of those given a great gift from God - who nonetheless were left in death! When we have Christ, we have all we need for life today and life forever in God’s Son.

    Stanza 4 // In contrast with those who ate manna in the wilderness and died, Christ gives us Himself that we might live forever through death. This is the promise which leads us to the repeated refrain - He who is the resurrection and life will raise us up on the last day, for we have Christ as our living bread!

    Stanza 5 // If the first four stanzas of this hymn have been sung by a leader, the final stanza might be appropriately sung in response. This is both practical - the congregation will have learned how to track notes and text - and personal - as these words move from quotation to response. This leaves us not in question [as with those in the opening verses of this weekend’s Gospel reading] but in faith. Christ will raise us on the last day!

    Refrain // The result of Jesus’ words is resurrection from the dead on the last day - a promise which holds us today and forever.


    ELW 485 - I Am the Bread of Life // I AM THE BREAD

    ELW 461 - All Who Hunger, Gather Gladly - HOLY MANNA

    ELW 472 - Eat This Bread - BERTHIER

    ELW 485 - I Am the Bread of Life - I AM THE BREAD

    ELW 491 - Come, Let Us Eat - A VA DE

    ELW 495 - We Who Once Were Dead - MIDDEN IN DE DOOD

    LBW 207 - We Who Once Were Dead - MIDDEN IN DE DOOD

    LBW 214 - Come, Let Us Eat - A VA DE

    LSB 626 - Come, Let Us Eat - A VA DE

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    13 min
  • "Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor” | Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost
    Aug 5 2024


    Stanza 1 // This hymn provides remarkable contrast between the questions in this weekend’s Gospel text. Here, Christ - enthroned in heavenly splendor - is the same Lord who comes down from heaven to give us “true and living bread!” This leads to shouts of “alleluia” meaning “praise the Lord!”

    Stanza 2 // The contrast between God enthroned in splendor and yet present is given further specificity - we worship not only with saints on earth but those in heaven! Though we may ask many questions, Christ is present in the “lowliest form” of bread and wine to give us Himself.

    Stanza 3 // When Jesus gives us Himself, all offering and sacrifice is finished - just as Christ speaks from the cross. The “fullness” of this work remains “undiminished” even today, as our Lord gives us Himself in bread and wine by a Word, that our “souls” might be “cleansed from every stain.”

    Stanza 4 // The “life-imparting heavenly manna” and “striken rock with streaming side” are not simply Old Testament images, but here help us sing of Jesus Christ flesh and blood given to sinners. For this reason, heaven and earth rejoice, for our Lord is risen, ascended, and glorified, that all people might have life forever.


    ELW 475 - Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor // BRYN CALFARIA

    ELW 472 - Eat This Bread - BERTHIER

    ELW 475 - Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor - BRYN CALFARIA

    ELW 476 - Thee We Adore, O Savior - ADORO TE DEVOTE

    ELW 488 - What Feast of Love - GREENSLEEVES

    ELW 494 - For the Bread Which You Have Broken - OMNI DIE

    ELW 542 - O Living Bread from Heaven - AURELIA

    ELW 618 - Guide Me Ever, Great Redeemer - CWM RHONDDA

    LBW 172 - Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor - BRYN CALFARIA

    LBW 197 - O Living Bread from Heaven - AURELIA

    LBW 199 - Thee We Adore, O Hiden Savior, Thee - ADORO TE DEVOTE

    LBW 200 - For the Bread Which You Have Broken - OMNI DIE

    LBW 343 - Guide Me Ever, Great Redeemer - CWM RHONDDA

    LSB 534 - Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor - BRYN CALFARIA

    LSB 640 - Thee We Adore, O Hiden Savior, Thee - ADORO TE DEVOTE

    LSB 642 - O Living Bread from Heaven - ACH GOTT VOM HIMMELREICHE

    LSB 918 - Guide Me, O Thou Redeemer - CWM RHONDDA

    RH 221 - Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah - CWM RHONDDA

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    11 min
  • "All Who Hunger Gather Gladly” | Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost
    Jul 29 2024


    Stanza 1 // Those who wander hungry and thirsty in the wilderness are given a promise from our Lord. In Him, we neither hunger nor thirst, for Christ comes to feed us continually with His word of truth. When Christ gives heavenly food, we taste and see the goodness of God.

    Stanza 2 // Whether lost, scattered, strangers, or seeking answers to questions, all of these come to rest in the promise Jesus gives. We stand firm in the love Christ offers us in Himself - the eternal grace of God and joy in the feast our Lord spreads before us. He is the bread of life!

    Stanza 3 // In Jesus Christ, we are fed with living bread which brings peace and gratitude through all our days. The Christian’s response is not unlike those who respond to Jesus’ overflowing generosity in amazement: “Sir, give us this bread always!” This is what it means to be grateful - to long for the gift of holy manna Christ gives without


    ELW 461 - All Who Hunger Gather Gladly - HOLY MANNA

    ELW 462 - Now We Join in Celebration - SCHMÜCKE DICH

    ELW 480 - O Bread of Life from Heaven - O WELT ICH MUSS DICH LASSEN

    ELW 485 - I Am the Bread of Life - I AM THE BREAD

    ELW 488 - Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness - SCHMÜCKE DICH

    ELW 542 - O Living Bread from Heaven - AURELIA

    ELW 618 - Guide Me Ever, Great Redeemer - CWM RHONDDA

    LBW 197 - O Living Bread from Heaven - AURELIA

    LBW 203 - Now We Join in Celebration - SCHMÜCKE DICH

    LBW 222 - O Bread of Life from Heaven - O WELT ICH MUSS DICH LASSEN

    LBW 224 - Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness - SCHMÜCKE DICH

    LBW 343 - Guide Me Ever, Great Redeemer - CWM RHONDDA

    LSB 636 - Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness - SCHMÜCKE DICH

    LSB 642 - O Living Bread from Heaven - ACH GOTT VOM HIMMELREICHE

    LSB 918 - Guide Me, O Thou Redeemer - CWM RHONDDA

    RH 84 - O Bread of Life from Heaven - O WELT ICH MUSS DICH LASSEN

    RH 221 - Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah - CWM RHONDDA

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    12 min
  • "Break Now the Bread of Life” | Tenth Sunday After Pentecost
    Jul 22 2024


    Stanza 1 // Beyond the now popular stories and miracles of Jesus’ earthly life, this hymn is a prayer seeking Christ’s promise “beyond the sacred page” that we would know God as the Living Word today.

    Stanza 2 // When Christ gives us His word of truth, we are both named sinners and named as God’s forgiven people forever. In this promise, we know God’s blessing not only in abundance, but in times of distress and call out to Him as our Lord.

    Stanza 3 // Knowing Christ as the bread of life is to know Him as the one who rescues from all that binds us - our doubt, our fear, our questions about daily bread - and turns to Christ in faith as the One who gives all we need in this life and the next.


    ELW 515 - Break Now the Bread of Life // BREAD OF LIFE

    ELW 478 - Father, We Thank You - RENDEZ À DIEU

    ELW 484 - You Satisfy the Hungry Heart - BICENTENNIAL

    ELW 488 - Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness - SCHMÜCKE DICH

    ELW 515 - Break Now the Bread of Life - BREAD OF LIFE

    ELW 843 - Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness - NETTLETON

    LBW 224 - Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness - SCHMÜCKE DICH

    LBW 235 - Break Now the Bread of Life - BREAD OF LIFE

    LSB 641/641a - You Satisfy the Hungry Heart - BICENTENNIAL

    LSB 636 - Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness - SCHMÜCKE DICH

    LSB 652 - Father, We Thank You - RENDEZ À DIEU

    LSB 849 - Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness - BEACH SPRING

    RH 85 - Break Thou the Bread of Life - BREAD OF LIFE

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    13 min
  • "The Church’s One Foundation” | Ninth Sunday After Pentecost
    Jul 15 2024


    Stanza 1 // Christ came to earth to make all people part of His Church - His beloved bride - as this hymn [and Scripture] say. Where Jesus’ promise of forgiveness is present, the Church exists, and those who are without a shepherd have the Good Shepherd in Jesus’ promise.

    Stanza 2 // When God gives His promise - whether through Christ or those He sends with the good news of the Gospel - those with ears to hear demand to know this promise. The church is “elect from every nation” and “yet one” because it is united in one Lord, one faith, and one birth - the promise of Christ given to sinners.

    Stanza 3 // There is no rest in the world, even for those named as part of Christ’s Church. Being drafted as one of Jesus’ apostles did little to help the disciples’ cause - and this is still true today. Whatever “weeping” we suffer in this life, Christ gives us a “song” to sing - that we might know peace and comfort in Chirst, even as we strain to know Him in the struggles of this life.

    Stanza 4 // This world does not offer the rest we desire. We long for rest from work, sickness, disease, and death. These are a small slice of the trials and tribulation in which we live. In the midst of these, Jesus promises victorious rest in His promise, that what we long for might be given freely by God’s grace.

    Stanza 5 // The rest Christ promises is ours today, for we share the same promise with all who in the past have clamored for the word of the Lord, and now rest from their labors in Jesus Christ. The final cry of this hymn is not unlike the crowds who close in on Christ - “Lord, save us by your grace!”


    ELW 654 - The Church’s One Foundation - AURELIA

    ELW 332/611 - I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say - THIRD MODE MELODY // KINGSFOLD

    ELW 604 - O Christ, Our Hope - LOBT GOTT, IHR CHRISTEN

    ELW 607 - Come, Ye Disconsolate - CONSOLATOR

    ELW 654 - The Church’s One Foundation - AURELIA

    ELW 657 - Rise, O Sun of Righteousness - SONNE DER GERECHTIGKEIT

    ELW 764 - Have No Fear, Little Flock - LITTLE FLOCK

    ELW 789 - Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us - BRADBURY

    LBW 300 - O Christ, Our Hope - LOBT GOTT, IHR CHRISTEN

    LBW 369 - The Church’s One Foundation - AURELIA

    LBW 476 - Have No Fear, Little Flock - LITTLE FLOCK

    LBW 481 - Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us - BRADBURY

    LBW 497 - I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say - THIRD MODE MELODY

    LSB 553 - O Christ, Our Hope - ICH SINGE DIR

    LSB 644 - The Church’s One Foundation - AURELIA

    LSB 684 - Come unto Me, Ye Weary - ANTHES

    LSB 699 - I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say - SARAH-ELIZABETH

    LSB 711 - Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us - BRADBURY

    LSB 735 - Have No Fear, Little Flock - LITTLE FLOCK

    RH 88 - The Church’s One Foundation - AURELIA

    RH 185 - Come, Ye Disconsolate - CONSOLATOR

    RH 202 - Have No Fear, Little Flock - LITTLE FLOCK

    RH 205 - Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us - BRADBURY

    RH 241 - I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say - THIRD MODE MELODY

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    13 min