
  • The Freeway Killer: William Bon
    Aug 4 2022

    Listen to Kate talk about William George Bonin, the “Freeway Killer,” who kidnapped, robbed, raped, and murdered a total of 14 teenage boys between 1979 and 1980. His co-defendants were also young men between the ages of 17 and 21. 

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    33 min
  • Murdered: Michele MacNeill
    Jul 29 2022

    Michelle McNeil was a former beauty queen, wife and mother found dead in her bathtub by her husband after she just had plastic surgery done. The initial cause of death was an overdose of prescription pain meds but with the suspicion of her daughters, that soon changed. Listen to Kate and Sarah Discuss how the resilliance and commitment of Michele's daughters got her justice 6 years after her death.

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    33 min
  • Serial Killer: Oscar Ray Bolin
    Apr 21 2022

    This week Rach is giving a mini-episode on a Tampa serial killer. Oscar Ray Bolin kidnapped and murdered 3 young women in Tampa in the 80s along with rape and attempted murder in Ohio. He claimed innocence until his execution day.

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    18 min
  • The Murder of Mary Phagan & Trial of Leo Frank Part 2
    Apr 14 2022

    Sarah is finishing up the case of the murder of Mary Phagan and the trial of Leo Frank. We dive deep into testimonies and closing statements of Leos trial as well as the appeal process and unfortunate fate of Leo Frank.







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    30 min
  • The Murder of Mary Phagan & Trial of Leo Frank Part 1
    Apr 7 2022

    This week, Sarah talks about the case of a man who was wrongfully accused of a murder in Georgia in 1913. Mary Phagan had been murdered in the basement of a pencil factory where she had gone to pick up her paycheck. And it just so happened that Atlanta, Georgia needed a guilty individual and Leo Frank, unfortunately, got in the crosshairs.  This is part 1 of a 2 part episode.






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    17 min
  • Identified: Little Miss Nobody
    Mar 27 2022

    This week, Sarah is solo. She talks about a recent 61 year-old missing person's case of a little girl who has finally been identified through DNA genealogy. 






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    9 min
  • Cannibal: Issei Sagawa
    Mar 17 2022

    This week Sarah takes you to Paris to tell you about a Japanese man who murdered a woman in his house in 1981 - but he didn't just stop there. The man then consumed various parts of her body over the next few days to “absorb her beauty”. This week she will be telling you the story of the Japanese murder and cannibal, Issei Sagawa

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    17 min
  • Murdered: Arlis Perry
    Mar 10 2022

    This week Kate talks about the murder of Arlis Perry. The 1970s in California basically bred serial killers that we now know today. Unfortunately, Arlis Perry was part of those conversations. She was found murdered in a church on Stanford’s campus.  This case remained unsolved for 40 years until DNA advancements proved who did in 2018, or did it?

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    29 min