Holy goats, the plan worked! Now it's just a nice, chill, easy ride back to the Satyr's Song where nothing weird or nefarious is happening, right? Ignis rows out of spite. Max suggests letting fate seal the alliance. Buster pierces through the fog. Ataraxia takes a crow's-eye view.
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Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20 Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20 Facebook: @ICastFireball2020 Email: ICastFireball2020@gmail.com Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
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Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Sailing Ship” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beOw8MEojQ4
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“The Pirate King” By Untold Journey
Composed by Jared Rehnquist ►
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You can find more info about this license here:
“Danger | Chaos | Cinematic Trailer Hybred” by SoundAudio
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!