The Dunce (Dunce) Dungeon team is back to roll investigation on the 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide, an updated core rule-book for Dungeons and Dragons 5e.
Yes, we think it's weird that it's coming out this much later than the PHB. Yes, we think it's weird that the 2024 MM won't come out until 2025. Yes, we think it's weird that they did it in this order when the MM is arguably the most mechanically critical book for encounters.
We also meander through a variety of side-topics, as is our way, including THACO, Magic: the Gathering being the lifeblood that seems to sustain game shops, other ways to spend a point of inspiration, the cultural impact of Stranger Things normalizing TTRPGs, and the love and hate relationship we all have with Roll20.
Please pardon us, as we also reminisce about scenes from our latest campaign, we are just very excitable. Rest assured, you are not being sold on some Live Play scheme. We leave that work to the people who actually know how to make money off of this media.