The Solis Report, powered by RotoViz Radio. If you’re a listener of the show who isn’t subscribing yet to RotoViz, you can get a special 10% discount through the podcast homepage. EPISODE SUMMARY Dr. Renee Miller swings by to discuss fantasy sports, science and dating a fellow industry analyst. John and Devin get their hands on the NFL's newest COVID guidelines and boy are they wacky. Singer/Songwriter/Comedian Bo Burnham drops in to talk about ...fantasy sports? And he also plays a song. Hosts John Solis (@SolisReport) and Devin McIntyre (@devinmci). The Rundown The boys get a better guest than they deserve in Renee Miller (@reneemiller01). Plenty of jokes, more jokes than you can believe. SPONSORS RotoViz- RotoViz Radio listeners can save 10% off of a 1-year RotoViz subscription at or by applying the discount code '2021rvradio' at checkout. SHOW NOTES Email: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit