
  • (#127) How I manifested a 6 figure + stream of income within 48 hours
    Nov 2 2023

    On today's episode of the Soul Aligned Business Babes podcast I talk about how I manifested a brand new 6 figure + income stream within 48 hours. A pure manifestation that was given to me without me having to lift a finger. I didn’t decide what it looked like, I wasn’t aligning to it, It was given to me from my soul, from pure consciousness. I trusted the pulls and devoted to what was unfolding, without any judgement.

    Today I share the unfolding of how it all manifested with ease, from a deep sense of knowing that it was done. I share how living from a deep state of surrender and peace, being connected to the truth of who I am, pure consciousness allowed this to unfold in the most magical way. How when we know at a soul level that everything is unfolding for us, there is no attachment, no worry, no anxiety, just a deep knowing. From the moment this manifestation came into my awareness I had a deep sensing and knowing of how it would all unfold, just as if it was already done. This is how manifestation works at the highest level. It is all done for you.

    With so much love, Susan x

    Links and resources:

    • Access the free masterclass Effortless Manifestation

    • For more about me and current programs visit my website

    • Follow me on Instagram @iamsusanfrancis

    • Follow me on tiktok @iamsusanfrancis

    Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any future insights and teachings on all things mindset, manifestation and business.

    And, if you enjoyed this episode, please leave me a rating and a review. Thanks!

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    27 min
  • (#126) Are you leading your business from soul or ego?
    Oct 14 2023

    On today's episode of the Soul Aligned Business Babes podcast I talk about what it truly looks like to lead a business from soul versus ego. The truth is most people are running a business led by their ego and don’t even realize. It’s how we are all taught to do things. Your ego is the personal self; it’s the thoughts, beliefs, stories that you have formed over your life. Based on past experiences, and societal conditioning, your mind has created a list of wanted and unwanted experiences, good and bad. Your mind or your ego has decided what it wants. Seems perfectly logical, but it’s a trap.

    Your soul holds the magic. The pure consciousness within you knows what you truly want; what will truly feel the most fulfilling, the most joyful, what experiences would be most abundant. In order to follow this path though it requires you to let go of the personal you, the ego, the attachments, the goals. It requires you to submit to the divine path, to allow your soul to lead even when you, the personal you, doesn't understand. The path that is unknown, led by your own divinity will always lead to the most magic. Are you ready to allow it to unfold?

    With so much love, Susan x

    Find out more about Awaken Your Soul here

    Links and resources:

    • Join the free masterclass Effortless Manifestation

    • For more about me and current programs visit my website

    • Follow me on Instagram @iamsusanfrancis

    • Follow me on tiktok @iamsusanfrancis

    Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any future insights and teachings on all things mindset, manifestation and business.

    And, if you enjoyed this episode, please leave me a rating and a review. Thanks!

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    19 min
  • (#125) How to be unfuckwithable
    Sep 27 2023

    On today's episode of the Soul Aligned Business Babes podcast I talk about being completely unfuckwithable (if that's even a word. lol). Imagine living a life of joy, where you’re blissful no matter what. Where you feel deep peace, fulfillment, joy and abundance no matter what is happening around you. Not only is it possible for you, but it’s your natural state.

    The secret to achieving this state isn’t uplevelling beliefs, becoming more resilient, being able to handle failure, build a thicker skin, or anything at all to do with shifting your perspective. It’s about letting go. Letting go of meaning, letting go of attachment. It’s about connecting deep within to this knowingness that life is being created through you and from a space of pure consciousness you are co-creating your most abundant timeline no matter what.

    With so much love, Susan x

    Find out more about Awaken Your Soul here

    Links and resources:

    • Join the free masterclass Effortless Manifestation

    • For more about me and current programs visit my website

    • Follow me on Instagram @iamsusanfrancis

    • Follow me on tiktok @iamsusanfrancis

    Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any future insights and teachings on all things mindset, manifestation and business.

    And, if you enjoyed this episode, please leave me a rating and a review. Thanks!

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    19 min
  • (#124) Effortless Manifestation - Where you soul's deepest desires flow to you with ease
    Sep 22 2023

    On today's episode of the Soul Aligned Business Babes podcast I talk about Effortless Manifestation. There is a way to allow your soul's deepest desires, your most abundant manifestations to flow into your life with ease, but mainstream manifestation has you caught in a cycle of lack. Mainstream manifestation teaches you to choose your desire, align, release resistance, and take inspired action. But if it’s not coming… well then the problem is you. You’re not an energetic match and there is something deeper for you to release/heal/do.

    I share today how you can manifest incredible things into your life, better than your mind could ever imagine, and you can do so in an effortless way. I break down the 3 key steps and how you can live you life this way and never have to do any of the mainstream manifestation processes you have been taught ever again. In fact, I will show you how doing all of these processes are the exact thing keeping you from your most abundance.

    With so much love, Susan x

    Find out more about Awaken Your Soul here

    Links and resources:

    • Access the free masterclass Effortless Manifestation

    • For more about me and current programs visit my website

    • Follow me on Instagram @iamsusanfrancis

    • Follow me on tiktok @iamsusanfrancis

    Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any future insights and teachings on all things mindset, manifestation and business.

    And, if you enjoyed this episode, please leave me a rating and a review. Thanks!

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    25 min
  • (#123) What you think you want isn't really what you want
    Sep 17 2023

    On today's episode of the Soul Aligned Business Babes podcast I talk about what you think you want isn’t really what you want. The vision board, the list of goals, the dream, home, the perfect relationship, the wealth, the success, all of it, it isn’t really what you want. It's what your mind has led you to believe that you want, and it’s all based on past experiences, conditioning of society, beliefs and judgments. What you really want is freedom, choice, deep love, abundance, inner peace, joy, and fulfillment. It’s what we all want. But society, your past experiences, and the mind has led you to believe that achieving the things on your vision board will help you get what you really want, but it won’t.

    I share today how the exact thing that I believed I didn’t want for 20 years of my life was in fact the exact thing that brought everything I desired. The freedom, choice, success, joy that I wanted I believed would only come if I didn't do this thing, and so I told myself for most of my life “I definitely don't want it”. My soul, the divine knowing inside of me, knew far better than my mind, than my personal preferences and judgments. My divine being knew that having this thing would be the exact portal that would open up all the freedom, choice, joy and fulfillment I desired; and I want this for you too.

    With so much love, Susan x

    Find out more about Awaken Your Soul here

    Links and resources:

    • Join the free masterclass Effortless Manifestation

    • For more about me and current programs visit my website

    • Follow me on Instagram @iamsusanfrancis

    • Follow me on tiktok @iamsusanfrancis

    Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any future insights and teachings on all things mindset, manifestation and business.

    And, if you enjoyed this episode, please leave me a rating and a review. Thanks!

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    22 min
  • (#122) I'm back! Lessons from a 6 month sabbatical and soul awakening
    Sep 13 2023

    Hello!! I’m back :) Have you missed me? On today's episode of the Soul Aligned Business Babe podcast I share what the heck has been going on for the past 6 months. Where I have been, why I haven't been recording the podcast, what has been happening and most importantly the lessons. I share from the heart the divine unfoldings of life, the letting go of my business, my deepest spiritual awakening and the fundamental shift in the way I view reality.

    I had to let it all go… my beliefs, my perceptions, my judgments, my desires, mostly my ego or personal self. I let it all go and in it’s place I discovered the deep peace, bliss, abundance and freedom I had been seeking my whole life. Just like that it all made sense, the pieces finally fell into place and the way I viewed my life and the nature of our reality fundamentally shifted.

    I now know the truth. The truth of who we are, the nature of our reality, and how true manifestation is meant to work, and there is so much more beauty in this awareness than I ever thought possible. I will no longer be teaching about mindset and manifestation the way I have in the past because all of it was only ever working with the false self, the mind made concept of who we think we are. What I discovered is that when we get out of the way our soul’s highest timeline will flow to us with ease, it always has been, it’s just that we have been in the way. I invite you to join me in this world of miracles where life unfolds so much better than you ever could have imagined.

    With so much love, Susan x

    Links and resources:

    • Join the free masterclass Effortless Manifestation

    • For more about me and current programs visit my website

    • Follow me on Instagram @iamsusanfrancis

    • Follow me on tiktok @iamsusanfrancis

    Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any future insights and teachings on all things mindset, manifestation and business.

    And, if you enjoyed this episode, please leave me a rating and a review. Thanks!

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    36 min
  • (#121) Why manifesting your desires isn't bringing you happiness
    Mar 17 2023

    On today's episode of the Soul Aligned Business Babe podcast I talk about why manifesting your desires isn’t bringing you happiness. You have been conditioned to manifest external circumstances; whether it be more income, success, relationships, a new house, car, travel, believing that it will bring the happiness and joy you seek. And yet, you have already manifested lot’s of amazing things in your life and you still seek more believing that these will finally bring your happiness and fulfillment.

    It’s the illusion that manifesting anything in this 3D realm will bring happiness. It’s the deep confusion of your life and life experience. Your life is your life force, your inner knowing, your soul, source energy, the divine; and this is where joy and happiness come from. You can see it in children, they are happy for no reason and it radiates out into everything they do. Your life experience is just stuff, always changing, only temporary, constantly being judged by your ego as being good or bad. When you let go of needing it to be a certain way and instead connect to the happiness within, your life experience unfolds in more magical ways than you ever could have experienced.

    Links and resources:

    • For more about me and current programs visit my website

    • Follow me on Instagram @iamsusanfrancis

    • Follow me on tiktok @iamsusanfrancis

    • Download the free Quantum Manifestation ebook

    Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any future insights and teachings on all things mindset, manifestation and business.

    And, if you enjoyed this episode, please leave me a rating and a review. Thanks!

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    23 min
  • (#120) How to achieve the freedom you seek
    Mar 10 2023

    On today's episode of the Soul Aligned Business Babe podcast I talk about finding the freedom and happiness you seek. It’s the illusion of 99.9% of people on this planet that freedom and happiness will come in achieving, creating or getting something in the future. That once they receive financial success, hit the next milestone, find the perfect relationship or buy the bigger house, that then they will achieve the freedom or happiness they seek.

    But it's an illusion. Everything in this 3D realm is temporary. Nothing ever remains the same, and so when you spend your life yearning for more while afraid of losing what you have, you spend your life never finding the freedom or happiness you seek. The freedom you seek is already within you, in fact it can only be found within you. And once you find it now, everything else falls into place.

    Links and resources:

    • For more about me and current programs visit my website

    • Follow me on Instagram @iamsusanfrancis

    • Follow me on tiktok @iamsusanfrancis

    • Download the free Quantum Manifestation ebook

    Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any future insights and teachings on all things mindset, manifestation and business.

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    23 min