
  • Soul Stories - Thomas Fatato on the Holy Trinity
    Nov 30 2023

    Join Dr Randall and Tom Fatato in this engaging episode discussing The Holy Trinity!

    Tom Fatato has been a close friend to Dr Randall since 2000 when they met in Tucson, AZ. Dr Randall was recruited to Miraval Life in Balance to develop Integrative Medical programming and work with Andrew Weil. Dr Randall and Tom were immediate soul mates and shared spiritual communication.

    Tom has been the creator and leader of three adult care homes which are unique in spiritual and nutritional programming, and not usually offered for the elderly.

    In this episode, Thomas explains his unique view on the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost and teaches us to not put the three energies together. An enlightening episode of Soul Stories!

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    38 min
  • Soul Stories - 'Regenerative Revolutionist' Charles Dowding
    Aug 31 2023

    It's the premier of Season 3 and Dr Randall sits down with no-dig pioneer Charles Dowding. Charles is a regenerative farmer from Somerset England and is an accomplished author who is inspiring people all over the world with his revolutionary gardening techniques.

    Empowering people with food and health knowledge, abilities and skills, Charles called his latest book Skills for Growing because he noticed how people need quite basic knowledge and abilities and to be empowered to grow food. He feels that ‘power' needs mentioning because so many are giving away their power, through fear, most recently about the virus.

    Charles' book is https://charlesdowding.co.uk/product/charles-dowdings-skills-for-growing/, available in North America from Chelsea Green Publishing https://www.chelseagreen.com/writer/charles-dowding/

    Tune in to an amazing episode with two inspiring healers! Only on Soul Stories.

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    50 min
  • Soul Stories- Off-Grid Pioneer Hannah Heartwell
    Jan 31 2023

    On this episode of Soul Stories, Dr Randall has a compelling conversation with Hannah Heartwell.

    Hannah is a state college cross country track champion who has great passion for the health of the planet. She is an amazing young pioneer who is studying sustainable farming while living off the grid in the redwood forest and sustaining herself off the gifts of the forest like mushrooms and organic produce from neighboring farms. Hannah is an extraordinary young leader who purposely sets a positive example for others to live in a sustainable way and benefit the earth and human health.

    Tune in!

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    49 min
  • Soul Stories - Crawl of Famer Julie Moss
    Jan 18 2023

    Tune in to the amazing Julie Moss on Soul Stories podcast!

    For more than 35 years, Julie Moss has been synonymous with excellence and performance, both as an inductee into the IRONMAN and USA Triathlon Hall of Fame, and as a public speaker with a message of empowerment and never quitting.

    From her stunning crawl across the finish line at the 1982 Ironman World Championship — the most famous moment in triathlon’s 40-year history, viewed by millions on Wide World of Sports — to her third-place age-group finish at the 2018 Ironman, Julie has delighted and inspired millions throughout the world. Now, with the publication of her long-awaited memoir, Crawl of Fame (Pegasus Books), she inspires all over again.

    Hear these two powerhouses together- Dr Randall and Julie Moss- only on Soul Stories podcast!

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    56 min
  • Soul Stories - Graceful Exits Author Geri Suster
    Dec 20 2022

    On this episode of Soul Stories, Dr Gayle Randall sits down with Geri Suster.

    Author Geri Reid Suster takes unconventional look at exits across a broad range of settings in the upcoming book Graceful Exits: Making the Case for Getting Good at Goodbye. She teaches readers how to build skills around exiting. Graceful Exits looks at positive and negative exits in four major areas: personal relationships, workplace exits, significant changes in the way individuals live and how to face death - the final exit, for loved ones as well as for ourselves. She goes on to explore actionable steps to better navigate some of life’s most difficult moments and reduce the likelihood of a bad exit ever happening.

    “Your next exit is just around the corner, are you ready? After a few bad exits in my own life, I realized this is not a skill that is taught but rather an experience we deny will happen to us and when it inevitably does, we execute poorly and spend years picking up the pieces,” explained Reid Suster.

    What motivated Reid Suster to write this book is seeing how bad exits can negatively affect a person’s life regarding self-worth and future decisions for years. By developing skills in this area, people can avoid a huge amount of shame and regret.

    Geri Reid Suster is a corporate exec-turned-nomad with 30 years of experience in business and management, specializing in acquisitions and creating operational excellence. After a period of intense personal upheaval and then jumping to a new technology startup that didn’t pan out, Geri entered a period of reflection that led to an epiphany about “exits” that would change her life.

    In 2017, she traded her ocean view home in Southern California for an RV she named Wallace and in less than three years, she traveled to 38 states in the United States and five provinces in Canada with her dogs. In 2020, Geri sold Wallace, bought a Sprinter van named Wüfgang (#whereswüf) and built her own custom home on wheels. Still hooked on wandering, she spends most of her stationary time in Bend, Oregon. More information about Reid Suster can be found on GracefulLife.com.

    Don't miss this inspiring episode featuring two amazing female authors!

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    57 min
  • Soul Stories - Sanesco's Hector Romero
    Nov 13 2022

    We are rerunning Dr. Gayle Randall’s “Soul Stories” podcast with guest Hector Romero, founder of Sanesco Health in honor of a special presentation: Dr. Randall and Sanesco will present to Pacific Pearl La Jolla, led by legendary Dr. Mimi Guarneri, on November 15th, 2022.

    Hector Romero founded the first company in the world to offer a complete clinical model specialized in giving physicians a noninvasive assessment tool of neurotransmitters and non-drug treatments to bring the neurotransmitter adrenal axis into balance naturally without pharmaceuticals which commonly mask symptoms without getting to root cause or cure. Sanesco Health partners with Dr. Gayle Randall to share her vast experience with Sanesco methodologies over the last 20 years. In that time she tested and helped thousands of people reverse quality of life symptoms such as anxiety, depression and insomnia. Of note she was one of the first physicians to bring holistic medicine into the alcohol and addiction world as medical director of Passages Addiction Treatment Center. Sanesco was part of the holistic medicines she offered as an Integrative and Functional Medicine practitioner. There, she tested and treated over 5000 with what we now call Neurowellness Program and found 80 percent improved their quality of life symptoms associated with improved neurotransmitter and HPA axis balance, optimizing and improving their Quality of Life. All the while helping multiple thousands more who presented to Randall Wellness with quality of life complaints such as anxiety, depression and insomnia.

    Listen to this enlightening podcast to learn how the neuroendocrine system can be balanced naturally.

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    59 min
  • Soul Stories - "Healthiest Cancer Patient" Brian Ahern
    Nov 12 2022

    This episode features Brian Ahern, author of the amazingThe Adventures of Kozmos Lovejoy, Exp.

    Brian Ahern attended San Francisco State University and experienced the psychedelic revolution of the 1960s with a deepening of spiritual understanding and a new awareness of transcendence. During this period he had a dream, a vivid lucid dream, that came true in the jungles of Mexico launching him on a spiritual journey for the rest of his life.

    In the 1970s he lived on a yoga ashram in the desert outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico where he practiced kundalini yoga, mediation, organic gardening, massage and nutrition before moving to Denver where he founded another yoga ashram and organic food restaurant before traveling to Europe where he studied with the Sufis in the French Alps as described in his memoir The Adventures of Kozmos Lovejoy, Exp.

    In 2010 he was diagnosed with stage four colorectal cancer and his spiritual learning and natural lifestyle was put to the test. He declined chemotherapy and radiation opting for surgery, meditation, herbs, monoatomic gold and a number of alternative medical and emotional modalities. After five years he was released from oncology supervision as “the healthiest cancer patient we’ve ever released."

    Another fabulous episode of Soul Stories featuring the one and only Dr Randall!

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    46 min
  • Soul Stories- Celebrity Dentist Dr Bill Dorfman
    Oct 18 2022

    Join us for a special episode of Soul Stories with Celebrity cosmetic dentist Dr. Bill Dorfman, who has been practicing for over
    30 years in the Beverly Hills area - and has had a career unparalleled to
    any other dentist in history!

    He has transformed the smiles of celebrities such as Katy Perry, Usher,
    Anthony Hopkins, Fergi, Hugh Jackman, Michael Strahan, Jessica
    Simpson, Mark Wahlberg and Eva Longoria, among many others.
    Dr. Bill was the only dentist featured on ABC's hit show Extreme
    Makeover, and is currently a recurring guest co-host on the CBS
    Emmy Awarded daytime talk show, The Doctors.

    Referred to as the ‘Michael Jordan of Dentistry,’ he has also appeared
    on numerous TV shows including Larry King Live, Oprah, Access
    Hollywood, E!, Extra, and Entertainment Tonight.
    As the founder of Discus Dental – one of the world's leading dental
    companies – he helped lead the company from its inception to more
    than $1.3 BILLION in sales primarily with award-winning tooth
    whitening products such as ZOOM! and BriteSmile.

    Dr. Bill has received 20 lifetime achievement awards, 2 Guinness Book
    of World Records, is a New York Times Bestselling Author, and recently
    was the first dentist ever Knighted by the Royal Order of Constantine.
    As a passionate philanthropist, together with country singer Garth
    Brooks and the Crown Council of Dentists, he has helped raise more
    than $44 million for children's charities.

    Dr. Bill is also the founder of the non-profit LEAP Foundation. LEAP is a
    week-long motivational/leadership program taught at UCLA every
    summer to more than 400 students between the ages of 15-25+.
    More than just a dentist, Dr. Bill Dorfman is an author, entrepreneur,
    philanthropist, TV personality, health and fitness enthusiast, proud
    father of 3 daughters, and much more!

    Listen to this inspiring and intimate exchange with Dr. Randall!

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    32 min