Good day everyone! I pray that you all have been doing well and that the Lord has truly been dealing with you all in different areas of your lives. I pray that all is well with your spirits, your mental health, and your financial health as well. Today, I want to talk to you about the topic of Soul ties. I'm almost positive that at some point in your christian life or journey, you have heard the term Soul ties, and were told that they need to be broken from your life. If you have not heard it, let me give you some insight on the definition. A soul tie is an emotional and spiritual connection between two people. It can be formed through relationships and interactions with certain individuals such as family members, friends, co-workers, romantic partners and even pets. Soul ties can be long-lasting and effect you or impact your life in a negative way, which develops into strongholds. Some of these ties will leave us feeling depressed, anxious, suicidal, angry, financially distressed, emotionally unhealthy and could cause us to ultimately turn away from the Lord depending on the magnitude of the soul tie and its influences. Let me break this down from a biblical perspective. According to Genesis 2:24 It reads: Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. 1 Corinthians 6:16 reads: Or do you not know that he who is joined to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For, as it is written, the two will become one flesh" 1 Corinthians 6:18 reads: Flee from sexual immoraility. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Galatians 5:1 reads: For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. From a biblical perspective the reason, we were to refrain from sexual relationships until marriage, is because once you have broken the seal of virginity, which is sacred to marriage vows, you have now become one flesh with the individual you have slept with. Now, lets go further, for everyone that you slept with, and the other person slept with, you have formed a soul tie with them, even if you have not slept with the other individuals. What happens is that the spirit transfers to each one, so if someone is dealing with the spirit of poverty, sucidal, depression, anxiety, low-self esteem, anger, jealousy, whoremongering, etc, then that spirit will spread within the groups of people that either of the two people initally slept with. In other words, if I slept with 5 different people, I have a soul tie with each one of them, and if each one of them are dealing with any of the listed things I previously mentioned, then that starts to manifest itself in my life and the life of anyone else I sleep with, then if they in turn sleep with others the cycle goes on and on and not only do I pass things from myself to others, but others past things to others and we're all in what you would call a bigamist relationship not knowing or understanding the spiritual effects it can and will have on our lives. How, because consummation (sexual intercourse) was the action making a marriage complete, if there was no consummation for a year then the marriage is not considered a marriage until intercourse takes place. In society today, we have gotten away from the morals and values from the bible and we considered them to be old fashioned, but the instructions are clear in the word of God. We have so many people dealing with traumas, wounds from past relationships and we're looking for ways to escape the pain, not realizing that its an accumulation of childhood trauma, combined with the soul ties we have in our lives. Let me dig deeper, say for instance you have a group of girlfriends that you hang out with on a consistent basis. The soul tie that you will make is your menses will sync up, each one will experience their time of the month a few days apart from each other, or a week a part from each other, also these same friends if one becomes pregnant, another will within a few weeks or months apart from each other. Also, the same group of friends can be married and if there is maritial problems within the group say arguing ensues with one couple, the next week it will be the next couple and so forth and so on. The sad thing is that they don't recognize the cycle and don't understand the spiritual connections behind it. A soul tie can also cause you to push others that recognize the difference in you away. You will begin to think that they are jealous of your relationship, or they don't know what they are talking about. Listen if someone is draining your mental ability to cope with life in a positive manner as you did before they came into your life, then this is when you need to do a self examination of the relationship. You may have entangled yourself with a negative soul tie. It doesn't mean that the person is a bad person, it just means that you need ...