
  • 5/26/2024 "Devoted to Prayer" [Acts 1:12-14] - Audio
    May 26 2024
    Devoted to Prayer The opening chapter of Luke's account of the Acts of the Apostles lays the groundword for the work of the Spirit of God through the Church. Jesus commanded the disciples to go to Jerusalem where the promise of the Holy Spirit would come (vv 1-5). Then the twelve expected Jesus to restore the kingdom to Israel (v 6). Jesus then ascended back to the Father in Heaven (vv 7-11). Our LORD was faithful to the Father’s intent for the Son and passed that call to faithfulness to the Church. Today’s passage will show us the faithfulness that the early Church had to one another as they united in prayerful faithfulness to Christ. "All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers" Luke tells us what the apostles and the 'others with them' did during the ten days in Jerusalem as Jesus instructed. They were all together. They were devoted. They were praying. It’s a beautiful kind of fellowship; it’s a sweet kind of fellowship.
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    52 min
  • 5/26/2024 "Devoted to Prayer" [Acts 1:12-14] - PDF
    May 26 2024
    Devoted to Prayer The opening chapter of Luke's account of the Acts of the Apostles lays the groundword for the work of the Spirit of God through the Church. Jesus commanded the disciples to go to Jerusalem where the promise of the Holy Spirit would come (vv 1-5). Then the twelve expected Jesus to restore the kingdom to Israel (v 6). Jesus then ascended back to the Father in Heaven (vv 7-11). Our LORD was faithful to the Father’s intent for the Son and passed that call to faithfulness to the Church. Today’s passage will show us the faithfulness that the early Church had to one another as they united in prayerful faithfulness to Christ. "All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers" Luke tells us what the apostles and the 'others with them' did during the ten days in Jerusalem as Jesus instructed. They were all together. They were devoted. They were praying. It’s a beautiful kind of fellowship; it’s a sweet kind of fellowship.
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  • 05/12/2024 "Wait" [Acts 1:4-5] - Audio
    May 13 2024
    So the work of redemption was completed on the cross as far as the sacrifice of Christ is concerned. However, the work of gathering the redeemed goes on, and it continued in that first generation of the church through the apostles, and then through the church as the apostles established the church. This is the history of the good news in the fallen world. The spel and the establishment of churches passed to Jesus' disciples. They become the first wave of evangelists and preachers that went out to gather the redeemed and to establish the church. So this is the history of the church, and this history goes on until the last person in the plan of God is redeemed and the kingdom of God is fulfilled. A massive undertaking, Jesus commanded his disciples to take the gospel of repentance and salvation to every person on the planet. That would be beyond our wildest imagination. Just the massive nature of such a task is daunting to even think about, let alone to be assumed, by powerless people ... educationally, academically, religiously. These are the ones Jesus chose for the job. Disobedient, fickle, yet loyal, disciples. They were inadequate for the task of the Great Commission. Yet Jesus chose them. He chose them to receive the gift of the Helper, the promise, the Holy Spirit, so that the task of kingdom building through heart transformations of sinners could be accomplished. Jesus had a 40-day period between His resurrection and His asor them to finish what He started ... to go out and preach the gospel and plant churches in such a way that it extended throughout all of human history and across the globe. These disciples had to 'wait' until the Father in Heaven sent 'the promise' before they were to go and tell the world the good news. Without this 'Helper' ... their words and actions would be ineffective. The promise was that HIS Spirit would dwell with HIS people ... no longer in a separated holy of holies in the temple ... but HE would dwell within them ... in their hearts ... changing their very souls.
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    49 min
  • 05/12/2024 "Wait" [Acts 1:4-5] - PDF
    May 13 2024
    So the work of redemption was completed on the cross as far as the sacrifice of Christ is concerned. However, the work of gathering the redeemed goes on, and it continued in that first generation of the church through the apostles, and then through the church as the apostles established the church. This is the history of the good news in the fallen world. The spel and the establishment of churches passed to Jesus' disciples. They become the first wave of evangelists and preachers that went out to gather the redeemed and to establish the church. So this is the history of the church, and this history goes on until the last person in the plan of God is redeemed and the kingdom of God is fulfilled. A massive undertaking, Jesus commanded his disciples to take the gospel of repentance and salvation to every person on the planet. That would be beyond our wildest imagination. Just the massive nature of such a task is daunting to even think about, let alone to be assumed, by powerless people ... educationally, academically, religiously. These are the ones Jesus chose for the job. Disobedient, fickle, yet loyal, disciples. They were inadequate for the task of the Great Commission. Yet Jesus chose them. He chose them to receive the gift of the Helper, the promise, the Holy Spirit, so that the task of kingdom building through heart transformations of sinners could be accomplished. Jesus had a 40-day period between His resurrection and His asor them to finish what He started ... to go out and preach the gospel and plant churches in such a way that it extended throughout all of human history and across the globe. These disciples had to 'wait' until the Father in Heaven sent 'the promise' before they were to go and tell the world the good news. Without this 'Helper' ... their words and actions would be ineffective. The promise was that HIS Spirit would dwell with HIS people ... no longer in a separated holy of holies in the temple ... but HE would dwell within them ... in their hearts ... changing their very souls.
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    Moins d'une minute
  • 05/05/2024 "Authentic Christianity: An introduction" [Acts 1:1-3] - Audio
    May 5 2024
    Sovereign Grace Baptist Church is located in Cookeville, TN. Our desire is to honor Christ by loving the fallen world as Christ loved us. We learn how to love the world from God's Word by studying, growing, and applying God's Word in our lives and in our worship. We firmly believe that hearing God's Word is the path to understanding and experiencing salvation in Christ alone. Sovereign Grace Baptist Church 2523 Hwy 111 North Cookeville, TN 38506 sovereigngracebaptist.org
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    54 min
  • 05/05/2024 "Authentic Christianity: An introduction" [Acts 1:1-3] - PDF
    May 5 2024
    Sovereign Grace Baptist Church is located in Cookeville, TN. Our desire is to honor Christ by loving the fallen world as Christ loved us. We learn how to love the world from God's Word by studying, growing, and applying God's Word in our lives and in our worship. We firmly believe that hearing God's Word is the path to understanding and experiencing salvation in Christ alone. Sovereign Grace Baptist Church 2523 Hwy 111 North Cookeville, TN 38506 sovereigngracebaptist.org
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    Moins d'une minute
  • 04/28/2024 "The Purpose of the Gospel" (Pt 2) [Luke 24:33-53] - Audio
    Apr 28 2024
    Jesus' 40 days with his disciples began in Galilee and ended near Jerusalem. Whereas Jesus' commission to the disciples in Matthew 28:16-20 was in Galilee, further discipleship occurred near Jerusalem. This passage in Luke's account was an appearance of Jesus to his disciples following his encounter with two disciples on the road to Emmaus, seven miles from Jerusalem. Jesus ‘opened their minds to understand the Scriptures' concerning himself. Part of the forty days of discipleship was to illuminate the understanding of who Jesus was but also understanding of the purpose of the gospel. True understanding of the Scriptures was granted so that the disciples understood how all of redemptive history fit together. This was a gift of God to the disciples. Furthermore, that illumination seemed to be an act of Jesus while he was present. But Jesus also taught his disciples that he would leave so that the Helper would come. This “Helper” would be the source of illumination concerning Christ and the Scriptures. The “Helper” would also be the source of illumination of the sinner about his sin when the faithful disciples proclaimed the promise of salvation in the name of Jesus Christ. Jesus taught the important lesson of the proclamation of the gospel by citing some of the old testament prophets. A key lesson Jesus taught in his discipleship of the eleven (and others ... up to 500) was the understanding of the Scriptures. It is in this lesson in Jerusalem before his ascension that the lesson from the prophets defined what the proclamation would be from these disciples. They were witnesses to the gospel. Here is the gospel according to Jesus and the common prophecies of Isaiah and other minor prophets
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    56 min
  • 04/28/2024 "The Purpose of the Gospel" (Pt 2) [Luke 24:33-53] - PDF
    Apr 28 2024
    Jesus' 40 days with his disciples began in Galilee and ended near Jerusalem. Whereas Jesus' commission to the disciples in Matthew 28:16-20 was in Galilee, further discipleship occurred near Jerusalem. This passage in Luke's account was an appearance of Jesus to his disciples following his encounter with two disciples on the road to Emmaus, seven miles from Jerusalem. Jesus ‘opened their minds to understand the Scriptures' concerning himself. Part of the forty days of discipleship was to illuminate the understanding of who Jesus was but also understanding of the purpose of the gospel. True understanding of the Scriptures was granted so that the disciples understood how all of redemptive history fit together. This was a gift of God to the disciples. Furthermore, that illumination seemed to be an act of Jesus while he was present. But Jesus also taught his disciples that he would leave so that the Helper would come. This “Helper” would be the source of illumination concerning Christ and the Scriptures. The “Helper” would also be the source of illumination of the sinner about his sin when the faithful disciples proclaimed the promise of salvation in the name of Jesus Christ. Jesus taught the important lesson of the proclamation of the gospel by citing some of the old testament prophets. A key lesson Jesus taught in his discipleship of the eleven (and others ... up to 500) was the understanding of the Scriptures. It is in this lesson in Jerusalem before his ascension that the lesson from the prophets defined what the proclamation would be from these disciples. They were witnesses to the gospel. Here is the gospel according to Jesus and the common prophecies of Isaiah and other minor prophets
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