
  • 05. How to Explain and Persuade With Just 3 Letters
    Apr 4 2024

    In a perfect world, we would all explain what we want, people would agree without raising a fuss, AND everyone would go home happy.

    BUT as it turns out, life isn’t that simple, and neither are people.

    THEREFORE an amazing communication tool raises its hand and says, “Ooh ooh! I can help with that!” It’s a 3-letter acronym with ideas that are simple to learn, trickier to implement well, but incredibly clear and persuasive when you do.

    (Hint: I just used it.)

    00:00 Explain and persuade with 3 letters?

    02:22 The client issue that went all the way up the flagpole

    04:25 The good news and bad news about ideas

    05:47 Donald Miller and the story definition

    06:55 Kindra Hall and Stories That Stick

    07:53 Park Howell, Randy Olson, and the ABT

    09:55 What ABT is

    11:16 ABT describes narrative (but falls short)

    13:45 Using ABT for ordering and explaining ideas

    16:23 Using ABT to persuade

    16:56 Tom Wadelton and the client who wanted to leave

    18:04 Comparing ABT in Narrative vs Persuading

    19:21 How ABT Persuasive Mode aligns multiple stories

    21:42 The need for starting with agreement in conflict

    24:01 How Tom Wadelton used the ABT to persuade his client

    25:16 ABT speaks to the strategic story in the audience's head

    26:41 ABT saved almost $200,000 in future revenue!

    27:23 Rant: Human connection isn't a talent, it's a skill that can be learned

    28:21 Applying ABT to your own situation

    💡👉 To apply for a complimentary, no-obligation coaching session to experience these ideas personalized to you or your team, email Hello@StoryGreenlight.com.

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    30 min
  • 04. Tactical Storytelling: Using Brain Control for Good
    Mar 12 2024

    What if I told you there was a moral, ethical, and scientifically proven way to change the brains of people you’re talking to such that they end up liking you, trusting you, and doing business with you?

    Imagine being able to do that – potential clients say “yes, I want to work with YOU instead of anyone else”, existing clients and team members say “I believe that YOU actually understand me, let’s keep working together.” Happy clients, happy advisors, happy team, happy business.

    But when most people hear about this scientifically proven way to change people’s brains that makes people say “yes”, they usually think one of two things: “Oh, that won’t work for business” or “That might work for some people, but I could never do that.”

    Well, keep listening, because I’ve been practicing these skills in one form or another for over 40 years at this point, my advisor clients are doing it for themselves, and I’m about to show YOU how to do it too.


    00:00 Ethical mind control?
    02:53 Lying inside a brain scanner
    03:55 The brain science of story
    07:17 Story is not a magic wand
    09:04 The mental shift: strategic story vs tactical story
    13:31 The young accountant who got thrown under the bus
    16:10 Story is not just for "talented" people
    16:58 Story does not need complicated frameworks
    18:36 Building a story: know your audience
    19:48 Building a story: know your context
    20:41 Building a story: know your goal or end result
    23:12 Building a story: What does the audience care about?
    26:19 Build your story around specifics
    28:23 Build around a specific moment
    29:39 Build around one specific character
    30:37 Build around specific details
    31:08 Build to include genuine emotion
    31:52 Build to include a specific lesson or parallel
    32:58 Reviewing the steps to build a tactical story
    34:05 I thought you said this was simple...
    36:04 Building an advisory client story from scratch
    41:17 The advisor story built out
    44:32 From squishy theory to tactical results

    💡👉 To apply for a complimentary, no-obligation coaching session to experience these ideas personalized to you or your team, email Hello@StoryGreenlight.com.

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    46 min
  • 03. What is The Thing Under the Thing?
    Feb 29 2024

    Every moment of every day, our brains are sorting through an insane number of inputs, trying to make sense of the world. As we do, we end up connecting all sorts of meaning to everything we experience, from the most basic object – or number – to the most complex idea. When we discover those connections and even create connections of our own, we have an incredibly powerful tool for creating emotional bonds between us and the people we serve.

    And when people feel positive emotions towards you and your business, that's when they pay attention, conversations continue, and people say yes to what you're offering them – when you know the answer to this question: What is The Thing Under the Thing?

    💡👉 For a complimentary, no-obligation discussion on how to put these ideas into place for yourself or your team, email Hello@StoryGreenlight.com.

    00:00 The power of deep communication
    03:20 The bell in the tower
    05:40 Defining The Thing Under the Thing
    07:54 Mad Men and Eugene Schwartz
    09:56 The connection already exists: green means go
    11:06 Connection already exists: US flag
    15:13 Pushing people's emotional buttons
    15:55 Actively creating connections: cows and mini-vans
    20:19 Creating connections in business: Clydesdales and beer
    22:54 Symbolism in Marketing
    25:33 Unspoken connections are still powerful: the iPod
    28:45 The Thing Under the Thing is always there
    30:46 Shaping messages in advisory industries
    31:41 Things Under the Thing for law firms
    33:50 Things Under the Thing for cannabis
    40:22 Speaking to what people care about in their industry
    40:52 Things Under the Thing for a CEO's EBITDA and her people
    43:55 Results of The Thing Under the Thing

    💡👉 To apply for a complimentary, no-obligation coaching session to experience these ideas personalized to you or your team, email Hello@StoryGreenlight.com.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    45 min
  • 02. Strategic Story: The Key to All Human Interaction (Yes, Really)
    Feb 22 2024

    Story feels very familiar, because it is. We're surrounded by it every day of our life. But very few people know that story exists both on the tactical level and the strategic level. When we unlock the true power of story, it becomes very good for us, and very good for the people we serve... which means it becomes VERY good for business.

    It’s time to pull back the curtain on the key to understanding all human interaction – and it’s right in front of you every day.


    💡👉 For a complimentary, no-obligation discussion on how to put these ideas into place for yourself or your team, email Hello@StoryGreenlight.com.

    00:00 The framework that explains it ALL

    02:40 They didn't know what they had...

    06:56 How Jeff learned about Story

    12:46 How Jeff moved from Hollywood to coaching accountants

    16:47 Inside baseball: what's happened in this episode so far

    21:44 The journey matters

    22:42 Story: familiar and tactical

    24:49 Story at the strategic level

    30:02 Crafting a strategic story for the transportation industry

    36:05 What's in the next episode

    💡👉 To apply for a complimentary, no-obligation coaching session to experience these ideas personalized to you or your team, email Hello@StoryGreenlight.com.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    38 min
  • 01 From Ordinary to Extraordinary
    Feb 21 2024

    Accounting may have been around forever, but it’s facing changes and pressures like never before. In this episode, Jeff Bartsch details the challenges facing advisors, marketing leaders, and people leaders in the accounting industry – while setting the stage for the ideas that he’s used with his own clients to increase revenue, multiply human-centered thought leadership marketing content, and increase team members’ value to the company AND personal fulfillment.

    💡👉 For a complimentary, no-obligation discussion on how to put these ideas into place for yourself or your team, email Hello@StoryGreenlight.com.

    00:00 The challenges facing the accounting industry

    01:43 Welcome to Speaking of Numbers

    03:26 Challenges facing accounting advisors

    05:46 How one conversation kept a client and saved $200,000

    07:54 Challenges facing marketing leaders in accounting firms

    09:40 How 3 accountants actually became public thought leaders

    11:31 Challenges facing people leaders at accounting firms

    12:39 An advisor fulfills a childhood dream

    14:54 An advisor finds new purpose after cancer diagnosis

    17:25 About the next episode: Story

    💡👉 To apply for a complimentary, no-obligation coaching session to experience these ideas personalized to you or your team, email Hello@StoryGreenlight.com.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    17 min