
  • The Dichotomy of David | King David
    Feb 26 2025

    How does a shepherd, slinger, son of a Jesse, and a harpist, dropped in the middle of a battle with Goliath on the battlefield armed with rocks and valor, grow up to be a hero and a ruler?. Okay, read that again but this time in Hamilton. (That’s enough Broadway Coco)

    In this episode, Coco spills all the hot biblical tea on David and Saul, David and Michal, David and Bathsheba, David and Uriah, David and Absalom, David and Abishag…. And more more more.

    We take a deep dive into what the Bible tells us about David, King of Israel. We discuss his triumphs and his failures and try to determine the motives behind some of his more questionable actions. The Bible is full of juicy, salacious details about David’s very interesting life, and we served it up HOT for you. The tea is HOT

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    You can purchase Spill the Mead merchandise https://www.etsy.com/shop/SpilltheMeadPodcast/

    Music is composed by Nicholas Leigh nicholasleighmusic.com

    Find us on Instagram, and Facebook @spillthemeadpodcast

    Find Madi @myladygervais on Instagram

    Find Betsy @betsy.hegge on Instagram

    Find Coco @spill_it_coco on Instagram

    Find Gabby @so_dym_gabulous on Instagram

    Find Chris @chrisrileyhistory on Instagram

    Find Taylor @tjonesarmoredamma on Instagram

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    1 h et 30 min
  • "Crack Your Teeth" | Slinging History / David & Goliath
    Feb 19 2025

    Slinging information straight into your face today at speeds of up to 100mph (IF you're expert ancient slinger, that is).

    Today's episode is in honor of the release of House of David on Amazon Prime, where slinging is going to be featured in a cinematic fashion and Madi's little happy slinging heart is SO FULL.

    We will talk about the vastly underdiscussed topic of ancient slinging, and how it impacted (pun intended? Maybe? It's a loose pun, but if you dig it's there, you've gotta want it...) ancient battlefields.

    We will talk about who the slingers were, the ammo they used, and end of the story of the most famous slinger in history: David.

    The story of David & Goliath & Goliath's shield guy begins 1 hour in, and you KNOW Madi packed it with as much detail as possible.

    CHECK OUT @hilltophurler on Instagram and his page at hilltophurler.com for BEAUTIFUL SLINGS (he is the one who made not only Madi's sling, but also the slings for the House of David series on Prime) and for epic slinging content.

    Join our Patreon for extra WEEKLY content!


    You can purchase Spill the Mead merchandise https://www.etsy.com/shop/SpilltheMeadPodcast/

    Music is composed by Nicholas Leigh nicholasleighmusic.com

    Find us on Instagram, and Facebook @spillthemeadpodcast

    Find Madi @myladygervais on Instagram

    Find Taylor @tjonesarmoredamma on Instagram

    Find Betsy @betsy.hegge on Instagram

    Find Coco @spill_it_coco on Instagram

    Find Gabby @so_dym_gabulous on Instagram

    Find Chris @chrisrileyhistory on Instagram

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    1 h et 37 min
  • Folktales: The Five Folktale Fail
    Feb 12 2025

    In this special Folktales episode, we decided to give you something different in the form of FIVE stories that we read to you for the first time on the spot! and ngl, they are a little… middle-fingery. But hey, that’s the dice you roll when you play the game of folktales

    Story 1: Domingo’s Cat

    In this one, we find a fiscal feline who is both a work horse and giver. The cat can talk, has a magic hole, and trolls bacon (you’ll get it when you listen), all normal Brazilian cat stuff.

    Story 2: Sweet Porridge

    WHATS ANOTHER WORD FOR ‘STOP’?!? Like, for real. What else do you say in this situation? Anyways. Always take a little pot from an old lady in the woods.

    Story 3: Their Soft Crowns Discovered

    This story is about . Fowls are such a weak tribe…

    Story 4: The Wolf and the Man

    Yeah, but can you fight?? This is a story about putting your money where your mouth is. Don’t let men hear it though.

    Story 5: The Gold Key

    Literally nothing to say about this one.

    Join our Patreon for extra WEEKLY content!


    You can purchase Spill the Mead merchandise https://www.etsy.com/shop/SpilltheMeadPodcast/

    Music is composed by Nicholas Leigh nicholasleighmusic.com

    Find us on Instagram, and Facebook @spillthemeadpodcast

    Find Madi @myladygervais on Instagram

    Find Betsy @betsy.hegge on Instagram

    Find Coco @spill_it_coco on Instagram

    Find Gabby @so_dym_gabulous on Instagram

    Find Chris @chrisrileyhistory on Instagram

    Find Taylor @tjonesarmoredamma on Instagram

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    53 min
  • Guy Code from the Church | Chivalry & Courtly Love
    Feb 5 2025

    Once upon a time in the 9th century…

    It was dark and cold and scary, and we wanted out… but from it… emerged… the concept of the proto-knight and his unchecked, unbridled violence

    From there evolved the concept of chivalry, and from that courtly love

    How?? You’ll just have to listen! Be ready to learn A TON in this episode, in true Chris Riley fashion!


    PLEASE leave us a 5 star review wherever you listen to your podcasts! It’s a game changer for us!

    Join our Patreon for extra WEEKLY content!


    You can purchase Spill the Mead merchandise https://www.etsy.com/shop/SpilltheMeadPodcast/

    Music is composed by Nicholas Leigh nicholasleighmusic.com

    Find us on Instagram, and Facebook @spillthemeadpodcast

    Find Madi @myladygervais on Instagram

    Find Betsy @betsy.hegge on Instagram

    Find Coco @spill_it_coco on Instagram

    Find Gabby @so_dym_gabulous on Instagram

    Find Chris @chrisrileyhistory on Instagram

    Find Taylor @tjonesarmoredamma on Instagram


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    1 h et 6 min
  • "Long Live Mexico!" | Maximillian & Carlota
    Jan 29 2025

    So you guys remember that time France tried to colonize Mexico and like… did it?

    Yeah us either, but you’re gonna learn today!

    Join us for a unique Spill the Mead episode where a GUEST host, and friend of Madi’s Lindsey Olson tells us a bit about this WILD event in history they often gets swept under the rug!

    We learn the TRUTH about Cinco de Mayo and we learn about the hard consequences of running and crying to France for help…

    Follow our YouTube page for more collaborations in the Future!

    And PLEASE leave us a 5 star review wherever you listen to your podcasts! It’s a couple seconds to do, and a HUGE difference for us!

    Find Guest Lindsey Olson on Instagram at @lindzolson

    Join our Patreon for extra WEEKLY content!


    You can purchase Spill the Mead merchandise https://www.etsy.com/shop/SpilltheMeadPodcast/

    Music is composed by Nicholas Leigh nicholasleighmusic.com

    Find us on Instagram, and Facebook @spillthemeadpodcast

    Find Madi @myladygervais on Instagram

    Find Betsy @betsy.hegge on Instagram

    Find Coco @spill_it_coco on Instagram

    Find Gabby @so_dym_gabulous on Instagram

    Find Chris @chrisrileyhistory on Instagram

    Find Taylor @tjonesarmoredamma on Instagram

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    53 min
  • Folktales: The Monster Whisperer & Is This Bear Hott?
    Jan 22 2025

    Welcome to Banter-ville USA, population Madi, Gabby, and you. We do eventually get to Folktales though, and they go like this:

    Story 1 | Chinese New Year: here's a nice quick, straightforward one, we genuinely have no idea why we were so confused... but this is the story of the origin of Chinese New Year celebrations! You can expect a problematic (albeit only once a year) monster, a "newcomer", and a homeowning granny.

    Story 1.5 | Gabby's Off-the-Dome Chinese Zodiac Story: we will for sure come back to this one later, but here's a little sneaky-peaky. We love a freestyle here at Spill the Mead.

    Story 2 | The White Bear King: WHERE ARE THE CHILDREN AND IS THIS BEAR HOT?! In this Norwegian tale, we go for a gosh darn ride you guys... The bear is hot (we think), the princess is a dreamer, the twist is plural. The big take away here is, you can't just be a bear at some point in your life, and then not be hot if you're in human form. Right? RIGHT???

    Join our Patreon for extra WEEKLY content!


    You can purchase Spill the Mead merchandise https://www.etsy.com/shop/SpilltheMeadPodcast/

    Music is composed by Nicholas Leigh nicholasleighmusic.com

    Find us on Instagram, and Facebook @spillthemeadpodcast

    Find Madi @myladygervais on Instagram

    Find Betsy @betsy.hegge on Instagram

    Find Coco @spill_it_coco on Instagram

    Find Gabby @so_dym_gabulous on Instagram

    Find Chris @chrisrileyhistory on Instagram

    Find Taylor @tjonesarmoredamma on Instagram

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    58 min
  • The Rogue with the Brogue | Robert Burns
    Jan 15 2025

    Oh my love is like a red, red rose…

    And Rabbie’s life was a tale of struggle, shame, redemption, and national recognition. And alcohol, don’t forget that very crucial component.

    Let’s look back at the life of Scotland’s National Poet, Rabbie Burns: a hard-drinking, fast-living, tenant-farming, tax-collecting rebel with the heart of a poet and some fierce national pride.

    Learn with us why Rabbie is regarded as a Scottish national treasure and why his poetry and songs were SO culturally important that he is still honored each year on January 25th. We will spill all the tea on what a Burns Dinner is and even tell you how to create your own, so you can join in the celebration. Fancy a bit of haggis?

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    1 h et 7 min
  • 14 Warships vs. Some Guys on Horses | The Fleet at Den Helder
    Jan 8 2025

    Hey listener, who would win that fight?

    Listen to this cryptic episode to find out! And then listen some more for an EPIC twist. This episode just goes to show us all the power of gossip and propaganda, Vive la France!

    PLEASE leave us a 5 star review wherever you listen to your podcasts! It’s a couple seconds to do, and a HUGE difference for us!

    ️️️️Join our Patreon for extra WEEKLY content!


    You can purchase Spill the Mead merchandise https://www.etsy.com/shop/SpilltheMeadPodcast/

    Music is composed by Nicholas Leigh nicholasleighmusic.com

    Find us on Instagram, and Facebook @spillthemeadpodcast

    Find Madi @myladygervais on Instagram

    Find Chris @chrisrileyhistory on Instagram

    Find Betsy @betsy.hegge on Instagram

    Find Coco @spill_it_coco on Instagram

    Find Gabby @so_dym_gabulous on Instagram

    Find Taylor @tjonesarmoredamma on Instagram

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 3 min