
  • S3E3 Light of life
    May 19 2021

    Life can be exuded as a commodity called light. Life can be existing in you yet you experience darkness around. However, life manifests as it speaks forth through our words, attitudes and practices of truth. Manifest life! Manifest light of life! John 8:12

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    25 min
  • S3E2 Oxygen vs The Holy Ghost pt2
    May 18 2021

    Every element that The Holy Spirit touches becomes a carrier of life. Be it a person, water, air, objects etc. Every element that is failing, let it come alive by The Holy Spirit. This transfer happens by Faith in Jesus Christ, Are you spiritually thirsty? Believe in Jesus Christ, and receive the living water- The Holy Spirit. John 7:37-39.

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    27 min
  • S3E1 Oxygen vs The Holy Ghost
    May 16 2021

    What Oxygen is to physical life, The Holy Spirit is to the Spirit Life. But Oxygen was made available by The Holy Spirit. Spirit Life is the source of all kinds of lives. As we uncover the mystery of life, discover the meaning of spirit life in connection with physical life. Genesis 2:7, Ezekiel 37.

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    25 min
  • s2e14 Handling hindrances of spirits
    Feb 2 2021

    In Acts 13:9, we see apostle Paul filled with the Holy Spirit moving a spirit of sorcery from the way by commnding blindness to fall upon Elymas, who was being moved by that spirit of sorcery. Whatever has collaborated with evil spirits to hinder you, must give way in The Name of Jesus. Let there be darkness on the path of the wicked and let them fail in their schemes against the saints(you).

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    25 min
  • s2e13 Movement of spirits PT4
    Jan 30 2021

    There is something to learn from the devices of the kingdom of darkness. Understanding their strategy in movement of spirits is an eye opener to our warfare in spirit. Be equipped in this episode as we continue looking at movement of spirits. Matthew 12:43-45

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    33 min
  • s2e12 Movement in Spirit PT3
    Jan 21 2021

    Let us look at movement of spirits. Spirits move and also cause visible and invisible movement. Psalms 121:3 says that God, your protector will not allow your foot to be moved. He also promised to carry you in the hands of angels to protect you. You are in a movement spiritually and physically. If you were opposed or stagnant by any spirtual force, begin to move forward by The Holy Spirit. May your movement be a mystery to the enemy and his devices. Progress in life!

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    35 min
  • s2e11 Movement in Spirit PT2
    Jan 20 2021

    We are still uncovering 'movement'. Change in the Spirit is conducted by a movement of spirits. Some spirits are subject to others and everything is below The Holy Spirit. Being spirit filled and spirit led makes you the most potent creature in operations of movements. With the Holy Spirit nothing is immovable! Have faith in God, dear son of the Most High, for with God nothing is impossible-and nothing is impossible to they who believe.

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    24 min
  • s2e10 Movement in Spirit PT1
    Jan 19 2021

    What drives you? What is moving you? Mark 1:41 "And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth his hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I will; be thou clean." Discover understanding of physical actions from spiritual movements. The visible activities from the invisible ones. This is critical in walking by the Spirit and being led by the Spirit-which clearly connotes a movement-spiritually and physically, visibly and invisibly. Enjoy in The Holy Ghost!

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    25 min