
  • #61: Meditation and Oneness
    Feb 28 2025

    Today we'll be looking at the 2003 book entitled Universe of Worlds by Robert J. Grant. This book explores in Mr. Grant’s words, the frontiers of the afterlife, as well as spiritual evolution and meditation. He also speaks of a spiritually advanced group of souls known as the Great White Brotherhood which both Edgar Cayce and White Eagle spoke of as well.

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    24 min
  • #60: God's Manifestations in the Earth
    Feb 21 2025

    Today we'll be looking at A Search For God, Book II, chapter III which speaks to our concepts of God. To those who are new, the Search For God books published in 1942, are compilations of texts, put together by study Group #1, who asked Edgar Cayce to do readings for them specifically focusing on spiritual growth.

    We will read the first section of this chapter as an introduction, but there is much more detail and information following in the rest of the chapter. Too much detail to cover within our short time frame, I’m afraid.

    Each podcast episode will also include the preparatory meditation attunement techniques suggested in the Edgar Cayce readings and will then be followed by a few minutes of meditative silence prior to closing readings.




    Available on most podcast platforms, including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Overcast.

    #Meditationpractice #mysticalchristianity #meditation #oneness #edgarcayce #god #spiritualsearch




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    22 min
  • #59: The Awakened Heart
    Feb 14 2025

    Today we'll be looking at the 1999 book, The Essential Chögyam Trungpa, edited by Carolyn Rose Gimian. Chögyam Trungpa was one of the most influential figures in the development of Buddhism in America. As the first Tibetan lama to teach in English, he coined such phrases as “cutting through spiritual materialism”, “crazy wisdom”, and his pupil Alan Ginsberg‘s favorite “first thought best thought.” He is the founder of Shambhala Buddhism.

    We’ll focus on a section of this book that speaks to the awakening of the heart and seeing the beauty in things as they are.

    Each podcast episode will also include the preparatory meditation attunement techniques suggested in the Edgar Cayce readings and will then be followed by a few minutes of meditative silence prior to closing readings.





    Available on most podcast platforms, including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Overcast.

    #Meditationpractice #mysticalchristianity #meditation #oneness #edgarcayce #god #spiritualsearch





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    25 min
  • #58: Choosing Kindness
    Feb 7 2025

    Today we'll be looking at the 1997 #1 New York Times best seller called Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff ….Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your Life, by Richard Carlson, Ph.D.

    This is a great little book with practical, every day advice that can help us to lead better lives and can in turn then help others to also improve their lives. The focus for today is kindness.

    Each podcast episode will also include the preparatory meditation attunement techniques suggested in the Edgar Cayce readings and will then be followed by a few minutes of meditative silence prior to closing readings.




    Available on most podcast platforms, including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Overcast.

    #Meditationpractice #mysticalchristianity #meditation #oneness #edgarcayce #god #spiritualsearch




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    23 min
  • #57: Wisdom From White Eagle
    Jan 30 2025

    Today we'll be looking at a little book called the Quiet Mind published in 1972 by the White Eagle Publishing Trust. The Quiet Mind comes in response to many requests for a collection of White Eagle’s sayings, chosen to give guidance and help with the problems and experiences of every day. White Eagle is a teacher in the spirit realm and was channeled by Grace Cook in England in the 1930s and beyond.

    This book speaks to the qualities of a spiritual master and to which the disciple himself aspires on his own path towards mastership and provides the framework for The Quiet Mind.

    Each podcast episode will also include the preparatory meditation attunement techniques suggested in the Edgar Cayce readings and will then be followed by a few minutes of meditative silence prior to closing readings.





    Available on most podcast platforms, including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Overcast.

    #Meditationpractice #mysticalchristianity #meditation #oneness #edgarcayce #god #spiritualsearch




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    24 min
  • #56: The Open Door
    Jan 24 2025

    Today we'll be returning once again to the A Search for God, book #1, Chapter 8, The Open Door. For anyone not familiar with the Search for God books, these are compilations of material put together in 1942 by study group #1, which formed around Edgar Cayce in 1931 and who asked Mr. Cayce to do readings for them that focused on the work of personal spiritual growth.

    As always, we will include the preparatory meditation attunement techniques suggested in the Edgar Cayce readings which will then be followed by a few minutes of meditative silence.




    Available on most podcast platforms, including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Overcast.

    #Meditationpractice #mysticalchristianity #meditation #oneness #edgarcayce #god #spiritualsearch



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    27 min
  • #55: The Refuge of Sitting and Walking
    Jan 17 2025

    Today we'll be looking at the 2009 book Commit to Sit, Cultivating a Meditation Practice, from the pages of Tricycle, the Buddhist Review.

    We will do two short readings, the first about sitting meditation practice and the second one about walking meditation practice. Part of the idea here is that our entire waking life can essentially be a form of meditation. I believe that when Jesus said in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances”, this is part of what he was referencing. Living with awareness and gratitude, being present and fully conscious of the miraculous shimmering world around and inside us, both seen and unseen.

    As always, we will include the preparatory meditation attunement techniques suggested in the Edgar Cayce readings which will then be followed by a few minutes of meditative silence.





    Available on most podcast platforms, including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, IHeartradio, Amazon Podcasts, and Overcast.

    #Meditationpractice #mysticalchristianity #meditation #oneness #edgarcayce #god #spiritualsearch





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    25 min
  • #54: Transforming Feelings
    Jan 10 2025

    Today we'll be looking at the 1991 classic by Thich Nhat Hanh, Peace is Every Step, The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life.

    In the section titled Transforming Feelings, it is suggested that the acknowledgement of our feelings rather than the avoidance of even the negative ones, is key. We’ll then close with an Edgar Cayce reading.

    Each podcast episode will also include the preparatory meditation attunement techniques suggested in the Edgar Cayce readings and will then be followed by a few minutes of meditative silence prior to closing readings.





    Available on most podcast platforms, including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Amazon Music, and iHeart Radio.

    #Meditationpractice #mysticalchristianity #meditation #oneness #edgarcayce #god #spiritualsearch




    Voir plus Voir moins
    24 min