Kirk Smalley is the co founder of Stand for the Silent. "The only way we can help turn this around in America is together," said Smalley. "We need families, communities, teachers, and schools to all take this seriously and make anti-bullying and suicide prevention a high priority. I'm happy to help them do it!” Stand for the Silent travels the country, giving presentations about bullying to schools, providing bullying prevention, giving out scholarships, offering intervention strategies, and more. Those interested in getting involved can start a chapter of the group in their area, obtain a free K-2 bullying prevention curriculum or cyberbullying handbook for parents, host a presentation at their school, introduce the How All Started video, and donate to help support the cause. To get more information, visit the site at: About Stand for the Silent Started in 2010, Stand for the Silent is an organization on a mission to help eliminate bullying nationwide. Kirk and Laura Smalley founded the group after their child took his own life due to bullying. They offer free resources for parents and educators and travel to schools to host presentations. They have been to over 6,025 schools and spoken with more than 4.15 million students. To get more information, visit the site at: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit