You don't have to be perfect. Just start from where you are. These tips will help you find your confidence and work towards being your best self. Confidence is a beautiful thing. But, confidence often only comes after we have mastered a skill.
What if you haven't mastered the thing yet?
Do you give yourself permission to show up?
Do you give yourself permission to be yourself?
It's an amazing feeling to know that you can be your authentic self without fear of judgment or ridicule, and it just feels good all around!
This isn't always the case, sometimes despite your best efforts at being confident enough to start, to take the first step you may find yourself living with insecurities bubbling up from within you like painful reminders about how much progress needs still be made before true happiness becomes possible.
Trina J is a certified Video & Credibility Coach, helping entrepreneurs who want to Kill It on Camera! Get the confidence to share your message on camera with my FREE Confidence On Camera Masterclass.
Get instant access to the Confidence On Camera Masterclass:
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You want to create videos for your business, but you're not sure where to start and you don't have the time or money to invest in a full-blown video production team.
It's hard enough to know where to start when creating videos, let alone having the skillset and tools necessary to make them look good. Not only do most people shy away from video because of this, but also because it can be incredibly expensive and time-consuming.
Book A Video Jumpstart Call with Trina J Today:
IG: @trinajofficial
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