The queens play a round of Step Your Poetry Up before poet-voicing porn dialogue.
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Pretty Please.....Buy our books:
Aaron's STOP LYING is available from the Pitt Poetry Series.
James's ROMANTIC COMEDY is available from Four Way Books.
Here are links to some of the poems we mention:
Amy Lowell, "Patterns"
Robinson Jeffers, "Credo"
H.D., "Sea Rose"
Sara Teasdale, "Moonlight"
An essay on Hart Crane's "The River"
Robert Duncan, "My Mother Would Be a Falconress"
Theodore Roethke, "In a Dark Time"
Robert Creeley, "The Rain"
James Dickey, "The Sheep Child"
Galway Kinnell, "The Bear"
Stanley Kunitz, "Father and Son"
We make reference to the poet C. Dale Young--visit him online here.